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Queen Cersei did not bother restraining the sneer at the surroundings. Two and a half weeks on the road, to Winterfell, and despite their station, her oaf of a husband had decided that they would camp by the woods off the Kingsroad. They could have easily stopped in a nearby town, or even a holdfast, but the man would insist on the royal family sleeping in tents and eating camp food.

It was the middle of the night, and Cersei Lannister found herself unable to sleep. The fact that Jaime could be so far away, and the fact that she was not near enough to keep a watchful eye on her son was not helping. But even without those things, she had trouble sleeping on the cold ground, in a bedroll that was not even close to a proper bed. It was just another indignity she'd suffered while married to that fat waste of a man.

She had been tempted to bring her own bedding, but her husband insisted that the men who would accompany them were only permitted one pack, and they had to travel light. That made her hate him all the more.  The queen had tried to protest. She did not understand what her husband saw in sleeping on the ground like a peasant. 

“I am the Queen,” she'd muttered under her breath. “You are the king. We should sleep on featherbeds and eat venison and quail's eggs and suckle at the teat of the finer things in life. That is why I was born to be queen.”

But Robert was a stubborn, obstinate man, and he had insisted. She wondered if she would ever understand her husband. She doubted it, but she thought it was better that way. Cersei left her tent, wearing her thickest cloak.

Cersei was surprised to see her husband was in his own tent. He was not there most nights, preferring the company of wine and whores, instead of her. She did not mind, but when he came to her bed, smelling of the tavern and stale ale, and rutted like an animal, it was a reminder of everything she despised.

The queen took a deep breath, and then headed for the rest of the camp. If she was not able to sleep, perhaps a walk would clear her head. When Cersei reached the edge of the woods, she stopped. A wolf's howl pierced the air, and a chill ran down her spine. Several of the people still awake were looking toward the trees, their faces ashen with fear.

Sparing a glance towards the woods, Cersei continued her walk, not letting the beast's cry faze her. She was a lioness, not a sheep, and would not let a wolf, no matter how large, or how fearsome, frighten her.

Soon, she found Jamie, her twin, her other half. She watched him from a distance, a smile gracing her face. Her brother was practicing his swordsmanship. It was something he did whenever he had time, and she enjoyed watching him.

Jamie was beautiful, the most handsome man in Westeros. He was her mirror, and she knew, without a doubt, that the two of them were meant to be. The Seven had created her for him, and him for her. Still, after a minute, she approached him, the Red Cloaks he was practicing with making way for their Queen.

“Brother, you're up late,” Cersei remarked.

“As are you, dear sister,” Jaime responded.

“I couldn't sleep,” she admitted.

“What a coincidence, neither could I.”

“Shall we take a walk? Talk about what has us troubled?” Cersei asked, both of them knowing what she intended but didn’t say.

“Alright,” Jaime agreed, sheathing away his sword. “But first…”

Jaime's back was facing the woods, so Cersei was in a position to see the blur that launched from the shadows into his back.


A large black wolf, more than twice the size of the ones Cersei was used to seeing, had jumped onto Jaime, knocking him down and sending him crashing into a tree. The guards who had accompanied her brother were too stunned to react.

Cersei stood frozen. The beast had Jaime's neck between its jaws, and only now did Cersei see that it wasn't a wolf, but rather some strange hybrid of wolf and man.

“Help him!” Cersei called out to the men, finally finding her voice.

They seemed to recover from their shock and rushed over to aid her brother. Their spears pierced through the air at the creature, but found no purchase on its hide. The beast let out a growl before biting down on Jamie's neck. Cersei's twin let out a brief, pained cry, and Cersei's heart skipped a beat.

Jamie went limp, unmoving as the beast turned its attention to the Red Cloaks trying to fell it. The guards had no luck, and the wolf-beast killed several men before Cersei's wits returned.

“Someone find my husband!” she ordered. “And the rest of you, kill that thing!”

The guards hesitated, unsure whether to listen to their Queen or run for their lives.

“Kill it!” Cersei commanded, her tone brokering no argument.

The men charged the beast, but their weapons were not up to the task, and the beast was a whirlwind of claws and teeth. It tore through the men like a farmer with a sickle reaping wheat. Terror gripped Cersei's heart, and she ran for where her children were, gathering them up and leading them to the carriage. A few of her handmaidens joined the royal family, and they waited in fearful silence as the sounds of blood, violence, and death filled the air.

After a few minutes, the sounds of combat ceased, and a hush fell over the camp. Cersei's heart raced, and the children trembled.

The door to the carriage was ripped open, and the monster stared in at the Lannisters. Glowing blue green eyes gazed in on them, a deep rumbling growl echoing through the carriage. A long, pink tongue, licked blood from its maw as the beast’s eyes stared the women and children down.

“Filthy beast,” Joffrey, Cersei’s perfect boy, snarled, drawing a dagger and lifting it up.

The beast didn't even take its gaze from Cersei, its massive hand snapping up, grabbing Joffrey's wrist and using its grip to drive the dagger into her boy's throat. Blood poured from his wound, and Cersei screamed, rushing forward, only for the beast to backhand her. She collapsed, her mind reeling.

Her handmaidens and daughter sobbed, while little Tommen remained silent, staring down the beast in terror. The beast gave a low, rumbling growl, and its gaze flicked from her, to her handmaidens, to her children, to the carriage. It let out another growl, this one deeper and longer, before the beast slammed the door shut, and they heard it lock. Joffrey gave a wet gurgle, and there was a jolt as the carriage began to move.

The beast was taking her and her children, but to where, and for what? She didn't know, and could do nothing but hug her two youngest to her bosom as her wonderful Joffrey bled to death in front of them.


The carriage trundled on, the clacking of wheels the only noise for miles. The queen and her two remaining children sat in silence, waiting to learn their fate. Tommen and Myrcella had both cried themselves to sleep, but Cersei was determined not to sleep until the beast was dealt with. Her five handmaidens, she couldn’t be bothered to remember their names at the moment, were huddled on the far side of the carriage, avoiding both their Queen’s glare and the body of their Crown Prince.

Finally, after countless hours, the carriage came to a stop. The doors were opened, and the beast looked in. The women and children huddled in the far corner of the carriage, as the beast growled at them.

With a jerk of its head, the beast ordered them to get out. None of the women or children wanted to go, and so the beast had to climb inside. The carriage tilted to one side as it did, and the occupants were thrown about, and the carriage was tipped onto its side. The women and children tumbled out of the carriage, landing on the cold, hard ground.

The beast exited the carriage, and looked at the group of women, its eyes stopping on Cersei. She could almost feel the anger rolling off of the creature, and it was terrifying.

“Myrcella,” she said, her voice low. “Tommen. Come to me.”

Her two remaining children did as told, and she stood between them and the beast. It let out a rumbling growl, and Cersei flinched, despite her best efforts not to.

“You'll not have my children, you monster,” Cersei spat. “I'll kill you first.”

The beast just stared at her, and then it did something she didn’t expect: it let out a snort, followed by a series of short, almost bark-like sounds. It took her a moment to realize that the beast was laughing at her. Her! Queen of the Seven Kingdoms!

The beast finished its mockery of a laugh, and then it took a step towards her. Cersei was unarmed, but despite that, she held her ground. She was a lioness, and a lioness does not flee before a wolf.

The beast approached her, and Cersei steeled herself. It stopped less than a foot from her, and then its massive hand was on her head. She was forced to her knees, and the beast leaned down. Its maw was open, and Cersei could see its fangs, could see the blood staining them.

She felt its warm breath on her face, and it was all she could do to not throw up. A wet tongue ran across her face, licking the tears off. Cersei was sobbing now, her body shaking as she could no longer contain the fear that ran through her.

“Please,” she begged. “Don't hurt my children.”

The beast snorted, and its hand slid down her face. The massive hand wrapped around her neck, and then lifted her up into the air. Her feet dangled uselessly, and her hands clawed at the beast's wrist.

It brought her closer, its fangs brushing against her neck. Cersei whimpered, and the beast's grip tightened. She could feel her air supply being cut off, and she struggled in the beast's grasp. There was a faint tearing sound that reached her ears, and her front felt cold, but all she could focus on was desperately trying to get more air into her lungs.

The grip on her neck loosened slightly, just enough that she could breathe once again, and as sweet air filled her lungs, she realized that the tearing sound had been the beast ripping the front of her dress off of her.

“No!” Cersei cried, her voice strained. “Please! Don't!”

She was a Queen, and Queens do not beg. But, the beast was a monster, and she did not know how to reason with a monster. Cersei struggled, trying to free herself from the beast's grasp. Her efforts were fruitless, and the beast let out a deep, rumbling growl. It pulled her close, and then she felt something else brush against her, and her heart dropped.

The beast was... aroused. It was the only explanation, and it only served to scare her more.

She was a beautiful woman, she knew that, and her breasts were her best feature. Even when nursing her children, they had stayed round and firm, and while she was not quite as young as she once was, they were still quite lovely. And the beast, with its unnatural form, was attracted to her, and she was not in a position to stop it.

“Please,” she whispered.

The beast's response was to growl and thrust its hips, pressing the tip of its phallus against her slit. Cersei shuddered, and the beast pressed on, slowly entering her.

She let out a whimper, her body struggling in vain to escape the monster. She didn't want this. Not from a monster. Not from a filthy beast. She wanted Jaime. Her brother. He was the only man she had ever truly loved. The only one she ever would.

The beast was big, even having barely entered her she could tell that it was larger than anything she’d taken before. But the beast was persistent, and it thrust in, driving its length into her. She could feel it spreading her open, and she could tell that, despite how much pain she was in, there was a sick sort of pleasure running through her.

It made her hate herself, and the beast, all the more.

The beast's hand on her neck tightened, and the monster was fully sheathed inside of her. The pain was terrible, and she could feel herself stretching to accommodate its size. Her arms were limp, and her legs hung uselessly as the beast started to thrust into her.

Its thrusts were shallow, but they were strong. Each one caused her entire body to shake, and her breasts jiggled. The beast leaned its head in, its long tongue running across her skin, from her stomach, up to her chin.

“S-Stop,” she pleaded.

The beast did not heed her. Instead, it thrust faster, its pace picking up, and the force behind its thrusts increasing. She could feel it pounding into her, the tip of its phallus slamming into the entrance of her womb. She had never taken a cock this deep, and she felt as though the beast would tear her apart.

“No,” she cried, her body starting to betray her, her pussy quivering around the beast's shaft.

The beast didn't seem to care, and continued to pound away, its thrusts getting stronger and stronger, until she was being shoved back and forth, her breasts swaying in time with the thrusts. She was so full, and she could feel the beast's massive cock sliding in and out of her.

“Stop, please, don't,” Cersei begged.

The beast didn't seem to hear her. Its thrusts became erratic, and its hand tightened around her neck. She could feel something different happening at the base of its cock, and she did her best to tilt her head down to try to see what it was.

Her eyes widened in shock, seeing the base of the beast’s cock swelling into a large knot, easily the size of both her fists combined. That… it couldn’t possibly fit inside of her, could it? It seemed the beast didn't care, as its thrusts became harder, and the beast growled, its knot grinding against her entrance.

“No, please, not that,” she begged, her voice barely a whisper.

The beast seemed to not care, its thrusts getting more frantic. She could feel its length throbbing inside of her, and her walls spasmed around the shaft. Her eyes rolled back, and her toes curled.

“N-No,” she whispered.

Her pussy quivered, and her juices squirted out, coating the beast's cock and knot. It thrust harder, and she felt the beast's knot start to stretch her. It was painful, and she was afraid that it was going to tear her in two.

“No, please, no, not that, don't, no, please, no, no,” she begged, her voice hoarse.

The beast growled, its knot slamming into her, battering against the entrance to her womanhood.

“NO!” she cried, her walls clamping down on the beast's cock, as she came despite herself.

It let out a roar, its knot finally pushing its way inside of her, before its length began twitching inside of her, and she felt the first shot of its cum splash against her insides. It was hot, and it filled her, but the beast was not done. It growled, its length pumping shot after shot of its seed into her, her womb overflowing, her belly swelling with its seed.

“Please,” she whimpered, her voice barely a whisper. “No more, please…”

The beast didn't hear her, and continued to shoot its seed into her, her belly swollen beyond anything she had ever experienced before. She could feel it leaking out of her, her womb unable to hold anymore.

“Please,” she sobbed.

The beast ignored her pleas, and kept filling her. After what felt like an eternity, the beast finally finished. Its hand loosened around her throat, and there was a sudden feeling of emptiness as the beast pulled out of her. Her mind was racing, and her body was exhausted, but her captor didn't give her time to rest.

She was dropped to the ground, before the wet, sticky, and still hard length that had just defiled her was slapped onto her face. Cersei flinched, her body trembling. The beast growled, its claws digging into her hair and pulling her head up. Its massive hand was wrapped around her head, and its cock was pressed against her cheek.

Cersei whimpered, her eyes squeezed shut, and the beast let out a deep growl, its length twitching against her face. She knew what it wanted, but she had never taken a cock into her mouth, not even for Jamie whom she'd loved so much.

The beast seemed to grow impatient with her hesitation, and its claws dug into her scalp, the sharp tips drawing blood. Cersei whimpered, and the beast gave a warning growl. Her eyes opened, and the beast was staring down at her, its cock inches from her face.

Cersei swallowed, and moved her head forward, her lips wrapping around the head of the beast's phallus. It tasted of sweat and sex, and she had to fight the urge to gag. She had no idea how the beast had fit inside of her, the tip alone was almost bigger than her fist.

It was salty, it was musky, and it was not a pleasant taste.

The beast's grip loosened slightly, but only to move its claw to the back of her head, its fingers tangling in her golden locks. The beast thrust forward, and its cock slid deeper into her mouth.

Cersei's hands pushed against the creature's hips, trying to stop it, but it was too strong, and the beast's hips moved forward, its cock sliding into her mouth. Her jaw was stretched wide, and her cheeks were bulging.

It was disgusting. It was vile.

And yet, despite that, she could not deny that there was a small part of her, a tiny part, that felt a strange sense of joy, a small amount of satisfaction at having the monster's cock in her mouth. She hated herself for it, but she couldn't stop the feeling from growing.

The beast was growling, and its hand on the back of her head was pushing her forward, forcing more of its length into her mouth. She gagged, her throat convulsing, her mouth filling with saliva.

The beast didn't seem to care, and it continued to thrust, its cock sliding into her throat, the head pushing into the entrance of her esophagus. She choked, the feeling of the beast's length in her throat was unlike anything she had ever experienced. She felt like she was going to be sick, and her body fought against the intrusion.

She couldn't breathe, and her vision was starting to swim. The beast seemed to notice, and feel some measure of pity for her, because it pulled back just enough for her to take deep, gasping breaths through her nose. It gave her a few seconds, before it started to thrust again, its cock sliding deeper into her throat. She gagged, the sensation almost overwhelming. The beast's cock was throbbing, and she could feel the veins pulsating against her tongue.

The beast let out a low growl, and its thrusts grew more powerful. Cersei could barely focus, the sensation of the beast's length sliding in and out of her throat was all she could think about. She couldn't breathe, and her hands weakly beat at the beast's hips, trying to make it stop, to make it pull out.

The beast's grip tightened on her hair, and its thrusts became more frenzied, the beast's hips bucking, its cock pistoning in and out of her mouth. She couldn't breathe, and her head was spinning, her lungs screaming for air.

The beast's hips jerked, and its cock twitched. It let out a low growl, and its knot slammed into her face, the bulbous flesh stretching her lips. Cersei gagged, her throat constricting around the beast's shaft. The beast growled, and its thrusts became more frantic. Cersei could feel the muscles in her throat convulsing, her body desperately trying to expel the intruder.

The beast let out a low rumble, and its thrusts became slower, more powerful. Cersei's body shook, and she felt something hot and sticky flood her throat. It was thick, and it burned as it went down.

The beast's thrusts grew faster, and it let out a series of low growls, its cock twitching. Cersei's throat convulsed, and she tried to swallow, but the beast's length was blocking her throat. The beast's hips bucked, and it growled, its cock pumping shot after shot of its cum into her.

The feeling was intoxicating, the taste of the beast's cum, and the smell of the beast's cock was something that should have disgusted her. But, deep in her mind, buried beneath layers of hate, fear, and anger, was the realization that she was enjoying this.

It was a disgusting thought, and a shameful one, and the fact that the beast had brought her to such a state was repulsive.

The beast finally finished, and its cock slid from her throat, and her mouth. Her chest heaved as she took great, heaving breaths. The beast's claws were still tangled in her hair, and the beast gave her a moment to catch her breath.

The beast's cock was still hard, and it gave her a gentle tug, as if to get her attention. She didn't know why, but she did not resist when the beast started to move, and she was dragged along the ground.

The beast seemed to have a destination in mind, because it moved swiftly. Cersei didn't understand, but she followed along, her body moving of its own accord. She didn't want to admit it, but she could feel her arousal starting to build, her mind clouded by the lingering taste of the beast's cum.

The beast stopped, and the claws in her hair loosened, allowing her to rise. Finally, for the first time since she’d been pulled from the carriage, Cersei looked around, taking in where the beast had brought them: a cave, a bonfire in the depths and the walls of which were covered in odd, simple paintings.

Before she could do any more, a massive hand pushed on her back, driving her to her hands and knees. Cersei swallowed thickly, as the last of her dress, which had cost enough to bankrupt most nobles in the Seven Kingdoms, was ripped from her, leaving her body naked and bare.

She wanted to cry, but the beast was no longer interested in her tears. Instead, the beast grabbed her by the hips, its claws digging into her flesh, as its cock was placed against... no, not there, not on top of everything else that it had done!

But the beast had no interest in her objections.

Instead, the beast's hands spread her ass, and its cock was pressed against her rosebud, the bulbous head pressing against her opening. The beast's length was slick with her saliva and the monster's cum, and the head was slowly, and gently, forced past her opening.

“Please, not there,” she pleaded, her voice barely a whisper.

It didn't help, and the beast's cock slid deeper, its girth spreading her open. The beast was large, and its length was stretching her beyond what she thought possible. The feeling was intense, and her entire body shook, as the beast's shaft entered her.

The beast didn't stop, and its thrusts continued, its cock slowly sliding into her ass. She could feel every inch of its length as it filled her, stretching her, and the sensation was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Her breath was stuck in her throat,  her head was spinning, the feeling of the beast's length inside of her was all she could think about.

She couldn't speak, and she could barely even breathe. The sensation was too much, and her vision was blurry, her eyes rolling back. The beast's claws were digging into her flesh, and its cock was pulsating inside of her, the muscles in her ass squeezing down on the shaft.

She could feel her juices leaking down her thighs, and the feeling of the beast's cock sliding in and out of her was unlike anything she had ever imagined. She hated it, she hated herself for enjoying it, and she hated the beast for making her feel this way.

The beast's pace picked up, and its thrusts grew stronger, the force behind each thrust driving her forward, her breasts swaying, and her ass slapping against the beast's crotch. The sensation was intense, and her vision blurred, her mind clouded by pleasure.

After what felt like both an eternity and no time at all, she could feel its knot pressing against her ass. She knew she couldn't take it, but she lacked the energy to beg the beast not to put it in, all she could do was take it. And take it she did; its thrusts became more violent, the knot stretching her, before the beast's knot popped in, the rest of its length quickly following.

Her body betrayed her, and her ass spasmed, her walls squeezing down on the beast's cock. The feeling was indescribable, and she couldn't stop herself from crying out, the beast's thrusts rocking her body. The feeling was too much, and her entire body tensed, her ass clenching down on the beast's knot.

It growled, and its length pulsated, its seed pumping into her, filling her bowels. It was hot, thick, and it was too much. She felt like she was going to explode, and her juices squirted out, dripping onto the ground below her.

Her vision was hazy, and her mind was blank. Finally, the sweet oblivion of unconsciousness claimed her.


When Cersei awoke, it was to the combined sounds of flesh on flesh and womanly moans. Her vision was cloudy as she opened her eyes, but she still recognized the features of Myrcella, her wonderful daughter, looking down at her.

“You’re awake, Mother,” Myrcella noted, her voice flat, lifeless.

“Myrcella, did it…” Cersei began, her voice hoarse and raspy.

Relief flooded her when Myrcella shook her head, “Tommen and I haven’t been touched. But when we tried to escape, we got lost. He found us and brought us back before an hour had passed. There’s no point in leaving.”

Cersei closed her eyes and tried not to let the despair she was feeling show on her face. She was glad that Tommen and Myrcella hadn't suffered, but the news that there was no escape from this place, or from their fate, was crushing.

The months that followed were some of the worst that Cersei had ever experienced, as each and every day the beast took her and her handmaidens in every way imaginable. The monster had no care for their comfort, or their safety.

Each and every night was filled with pain, humiliation, and the knowledge that the beast had somehow managed to take away her greatest source of joy. The knowledge that the only children that would come from her now were the offspring of this monster was enough to drive her nearly mad.

But, through it all, Myrcella and Tommen were there for her. They gave her strength, and they were her only reason for going on. Even when her stomach began to swell, and her breasts began to grow heavy, she held onto their presence as an anchor, the only thing keeping her from throwing herself off the side of the mountain and ending her life.

Finally, the day came when Cersei could no longer ignore the signs. She was pregnant, and the creature's child was growing within her. It was an abomination, the result of her defilement and rape, and she had no idea what to do.

The only saving grace was the fact that, upon noticing, the beast used some measure of restraint, never using her more roughly than a firm, but gentle, fucking. She was still taken multiple times a day, and the creature never relented its assault, but its knot never grew large enough to be painful, and the creature made a point of being as careful as it could.

She didn't understand it, but there was a small part of her, the part that enjoyed what the beast did, that was glad for the creature's attention, the way that it treated her. The thought disgusted her, and the guilt that came with the knowledge of how much her mind had been twisted, how she had allowed herself to become the monster's plaything, was overwhelming.

But, even then, she didn't have the strength to fight the beast. It had won, and there was nothing she could do.


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