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Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement)

The handle of this whip is a magic spyglass. When you peer into the night sky through the spyglass, the stars are magically connected by an illusory series of lines that illustrate the namesakes of any constellation you know.

The spyglass can be collapsed or extended using a bonus action while you hold it. You can speak its command word as part of extending it or as a bonus action on another turn to cause a stream of tiny stars to pour from the spyglass's lens. The stars collect in a whip-like line, connected by a glimmering lash. The lash and stars disappear when you speak the command word again or when you collapse the spyglass or let go of it.

While the lash persists, the spyglass can be used as a whip, which deals radiant damage instead of slashing damage. Between dusk and dawn, your reach when using the weapon increases by an additional 5 feet. The whip sheds bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light for an additional 20 feet.

Guiding Star. Once on each of your turns when you hit a creature with the whip, you can choose for it to leave behind a mote of starlight. The next attack roll against that creature before the end of your next turn is made with advantage. On a hit, the mote explodes immediately after the attack and deals 4d6 radiant damage to the target. On a miss or at the end of the effect's duration, the mote winks out harmlessly instead.

'Tis a grand adventure to look to the stars and see our legends, writ large on a velvet canvas beyond the sky itself.

Now, which stars shall be used to write your fate upon?




Just like Lucy’s from Fairy Tail!