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Heroic Ideas — Bi-monthly Runner Up poll! Choose 2 community item ideas to be made!

  • 1) Woodstalker's Hood 39
  • 2) Pteroscythe 24
  • 3) Fang Keeper 50
  • 4) Phasing Lance 20
  • 5) Rakhans Guard 36
  • 6) Mourning Eye 29
  • 7) Dayfinder's Glass 34
  • 2024-01-05
  • —2024-01-08
  • 232 votes
{'title': ' Heroic Ideas — Bi-monthly Runner Up poll! Choose 2 community item ideas to be made!', 'choices': [{'text': "1) Woodstalker's Hood", 'votes': 39}, {'text': '2) Pteroscythe', 'votes': 24}, {'text': '3) Fang Keeper', 'votes': 50}, {'text': '4) Phasing Lance ', 'votes': 20}, {'text': '5) Rakhans Guard', 'votes': 36}, {'text': '6) Mourning Eye', 'votes': 29}, {'text': "7) Dayfinder's Glass", 'votes': 34}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 8, 14, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 5, 21, 45, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 232}


Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Woodstalker's Hood  — A hood adorned with antlers that masks your face in darkness. Attuning to it give you advantage on Stealth checks while obscured by vegetation. It has charges that can be used to create a large area of silence, see and hear through a plant, and frighten creatures that can see you.

2)  Pteroscythe  — A sickle made from pterodactyl wing bones. It has the thrown property and will return to your hand after you throw it to attack, and damaging a creature with a flying speed will reduce their flying speed.

3)  Fang Keeper  — A silver chain necklace with various monster teeth on it. As a bonus action you can use one of the teeth to create a spectral maw that attacks a nearby creature you can see, dealing damage based on the CR of the monster the tooth is from. You can also add new teeth to the necklace from recently dead monsters.

4)  Phasing Lance  — This chitinous leg of a phase spider, stretched into a deadly lance. It retains some of its ethereal properties, allowing you to partially phase into the Ethereal Plane to bypass the target's armor and dealing extra force damage.

5)  Rakhans Guard  — A wooden scabbard for clerics that can't be used to sheath normal weapons. While attuned to it, you always has the spiritual weapon spell prepared, and you can prolong the duration of the spell by sheathing it in the scabbard, allowing you to summon it again without expending another spell slot.

6)  Mourning Eye  — A morningstar made from mourningsteel and drips with black ichor constantly. While attuned to the weapon, you deal additional necrotic damage and know the spare the dying cantrip. Additionally, you can also expend charges to cast a variety of spells, including animate dead, blight, inflict wounds, and revivify, as well as the ability to control undead.

7)  Dayfinder's Glass  — When you look through this spyglass you can always see the sky as if it was night, including the current phase of the moon and star positions. This property ignores cloud cover and other weather phenomena.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



Sweet another chance to get the Mourning Eye


My vote keeps getting erased.