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Wondrous item, rare

This whistle has been carved from a soot-stained imp bone. While holding the whistle, you can use an action to blow it. The whistle can be heard out to a range of 300 feet, but only by fiends and tieflings.

The whistle has three dog heads carved into its end. When found, the dogs' mouths are closed. When you blow into the whistle, one, two, or three of the mouths open (your choice each time). The harder you blow the whistle, the more of the dogs' mouths magically open.

For each mouth that opens as part of blowing the whistle, a hell hound is magically summoned to a random space that you can see within 30 feet of you. Each hell hound remains for 1 minute or until it's reduced to 0 hit points. If you are a fiend or tiefling, the hounds are friendly to you and your companions. Otherwise, each hounds' disposition is random: use the table below to determine the nature of each hound.

Roll initiative for the summoned hounds as a group, which has its own turns; hounds that are friendly to you go first. While the hounds are friendly to you, they obey your verbal commands (no action required). If you don't issue any commands to them, they defend themselves from hostile creatures, but otherwise take no actions.

One of the dogs' open mouths closes each day at dawn.

He never heard the whistle, and he never smelled the sulfur.

But he saw the flames, and he felt the fangs....

The hounds were the ones to do the tasting.




Let the chaos begin! Mwahahahaha