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Weapon (longsword), very rare (requires attunement)

This battered and rusted sword looks like junk. However, it feels like a kindred spirit while you hold it. Even if you're not attuned to the sword, its damage die is a d4, or a d6 if you hold it with both hands.

While you're attuned to the sword, you gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. It also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius while you hold it, and dim light for an additional 20 feet. In its illuminated, rusted surface is an illusory weapon that reflects the nature of your soul. Use the table below to determine the nature of the reflected weapon based on your alignment.

A target hit by the illuminated sword takes an extra 1d12 damage of the type associated with your alignment.

Soul Surge. While holding the sword, you can use a bonus action to spend 2 or more Hit Dice to pour your energy into the blade. When you do, the weapon's bonus to attack and damage rolls is increased by 1 for every 2 Hit Dice you spend, up to a maximum total bonus of +3. The dim and bright light emitted by the weapon also increases by 20 feet for each additional +1 bonus it gains in this way. This bonus lasts for 1 hour.

If one knows the truth of the heart, one can never be defeated. Whether it be by mace, spell, or wit. Staying true to one's self is the greatest battle to ever exist.




The card says "Nectoric" but otherwise an awesome item!