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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Coral Barrier  — Armor formed from living coral. While wearing it you gain various benefits such as: the ability to breath underwater, a swim speed, and using the spectral creatures that swim around you for unique actions. Some actions include: being able to make an attack with advantage if you're submerged and when a creature attempts to grapple you, you can use a reaction to cause that creature to take piercing damage.

2)  Deep Sea-mitar  — This weapon is made of a petrified octopus tentacle, sharpened to a fine edge and you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls. While attuned, you gain a swimming speed, can breathe water, and can communicate with beasts that breathe water. You can expend its charges to cast various water related spells. Additionally, the weapon can allow you to charm a creature or create a sphere of water to contain a Large or smaller target.

3)  Longbow of the Sea Guard  — An enchanted longbow made of coral. You don't suffer the normal penalties of attacking with it while underwater and creatures with an innate swim speed consider you an ally. While underwater, the bow generates its own ammunition and deals additional cold damage on a hit. If you attune to the bow, the additional damage increases.

4)  Whalefall Armor  — This unsettling armor is made from scrimshawed whale bones held together by rotting leather. You can expend the armor's charges to cast a variety of spells from it. Additionally, you can summon the corpse of a whale for 1 minute, which uses the killer whale stat block.

5)  Riptide Greaves  — These leather-bound greaves are each adorned with a single large green fin. While wearing them underwater you gain a swim speed, if you already have one it increases instead. Additionally, you can expend the greaves charges to cast a variety of spells from them.

6)  Submerged Reins  — A heavy necklace made from thick seaweed woven together with small water lilies. While wearing the necklace you can breath underwater. As an action, you can pull the necklace off and cast the find steed spell with the following changes: it appears as a white warhorse with seaweed hair, it has a swim speed, and other benefits. Additionally, once per day, you can target a creature within range to deal cold damage to it. You can repeat this attack on each of your turns as if concentrating on a spell.

7)  Sea Anemone Pauldron  — This reef-like pauldron has a tall anemone attached to its outer surface. Each dawn, the anemone produced 1 ration, the taste of which is dependent on what it environments you've traveled through. As an action, you can detach the anemone for one of the following properties: you can throw it at a point within range to spawn a cluster of of anemones. This area is heavily obscured for creatures other than you. Alternatively, you crush the anemone to have your unarmed strikes deal lightning damage instead of bludgeoning.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



I need that kelpie necklace!


As a Marine Biologist major and a dnd enthusiast, all of these ideas sound amazing!!!

Tiago Frossard

Can we make them all draw, please?


A draw will result in those items getting rolled in a tiebreaker, only two items will ever be made from any single poll.