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Barbarians who walk the Path of the Tideheart are attuned to the primal forces of water, drawing strength from its unyielding power and ever-changing nature. These fierce warriors have unlocked the secrets of water’s versatility, transforming them into mighty storms that can’t be held at bay. Their rage ebbs and flows between power and agility, allowing them to tear through battlefields with unparalleled ease. Whether roaring like a wave or finding stillness beneath a waterfall, these barbarians are a primal force to be reckoned with who harness their inner calm before unleashing the tempest within.

  • Crash into enemies like a wave to pummel them backward!
  • Move out of harm's way and evade opportunity attacks when you strike!
  • Create a magical calm, like a still pool, amidst the raging tides within!

Since not all subclasses are tied to a specific setting in Saddlebag Year 5, consider the following pre-existing settings to align this with.

  • Amphibios
  • Breezeport
  • Heavensteppe
  • Ilridun
  • Orostead

Want to see what's next and join the playtesting sessions? Join the Discord to sign up for them each month!

As always, further revisions will be made here with published updates as they're released, as needed.


I was responsible for direction, design, and additional editing for this setting. However, this couldn't be possible without extra help. If you like this setting, consider supporting these other incredible creators:

TheArenaGuy — Editing

Damien Mammoliti — Subclass illustration

And all the passionate playtesters!

This release is also made especially possible by the extra generosity of $13+ Legendary Heroes! Thank you all so much for you support, and be proud of your place in the end credits! You've earned it!




I’m confused about the last ability. Does it mean you get to hit multiple people with one attack or that you can swap targets. At the end I assume it means you just get three attack actions per attack.


Works great with the Sunken Isles Kickstarter that should be mostly done getting out to people now too!


Another amazing class! Just want to ask again if we could get png versions of the art of these classes. As the art is perfect to use as an NPC to inspire players to use these classes.


I'm adding this to my Next Princes of the Apocalypse game


If you upload the PDF to PDFCandy's PDF extractor, it lets you extract the art into an separate image file.