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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Inferno Hammer  — This hammer, forged with elemental fire, bursts with flame on every strike. You gain a bonus to attack and damage rolls and deal extra fire damage with each hit. You can overcharge the hammer to deal higher fire damage, however you take half the amount of damage dealt.

2)  Gemini Mirror Armor  — An armor worn by those at sea, decorated with mirrors that form major constellations. While wearing the armor, you gain various benefits, such as adding your proficiency to handling water vehicles, drink salt water as if it was fresh, cast a limited version of mirror image, and know the status of anyone else wearing a Gemini mirror armor. However, you avoid your reflection and seeing it angers you, and become hostile towards anyone else attuned a Gemini mirror armor.

3)  Espionage Deck  — A deck of magical playing cards. You can use sleight of hand to place a card on a creature and always know the general location of that creature until it becomes detected or until 7 days pass, at which point it returns to the box. You can also use an action to see and hear through a face card of your choosing.

4)  Nauticus  — An elegant trident with a ruby set near its head and gold tinted tips. When thrown, it always returns back to your hand. You can expend the trident's charges to double its throwing range or make an attack against all creatures in a line.

5)  Flutterby Band  — A small emerald ring decorated with filigreed butterflies and flowers. While attuned, you gain bonuses to checks made to identify plants and their medicinal properties, and leave no foot prints in grass and flowers. However, tastebuds grow on the bottom of your feet.

6)  Cozy Candles  — These vanilla and cinnamon scented candles burn for up to eight hours and sheds dim light in a 10-foot radius. Any creature who rests in that light can't have nightmares or be harmed in their dreams, while also gaining temporary hit points once the candle burns out.

7)  Pouch of Mephit Marbles  — These various colored marbles come in a pouch and can be throw at a point to summon a mephit that matches the type of marble thrown. It's friendly to you and your companions and bursts into a harmless cloud when reduced to 0 hit points.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



How does this work because there are some runner ups that aren't on here, I thought this was for third placers


It's chosen at random from the list few weeks


The poll wouldn't allow me to vote for 2 so I voted for my top one. Great items glad I became a paid patreon member I've added so many things to my new campaign


I misread one item as an “espionage duck.” Sort of like Perry the Platypus’s mentor.


There were some third placers that had been made in later weeks. I also prioritize choosing ideas that were in third or fourth place but were close to second place, too. In cases where two items are far and away ahead of the other ideas, I'll look to other weeks first.


Gah, sorry about that! I could have sworn I hit to allow multiple choices. Sometimes I miss it! Thank you for the support! Happy to have you in the community!


No worries just giving you the heads up. Thank you for all you do.