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Rod, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

A glass orb rests at the top of this mechanical scepter, which can be used as a spellcasting focus. At its center is the essence of a powerful wind spirit that's been known by a myriad of names over the course of centuries. Fans hum within the rod, releasing a constant breeze from either of its ends. While holding the rod, you have a flying speed of 30 feet and can hover.

Magic causes the spirit within the rod to stir. Whenever you use an action to cast a spell of 1st level or higher while holding the rod, you can choose to activate one of the following effects from it, using your spell attack bonus and spell save DC; the spell must be cast using a spell slot of a level no lower than the one listed in each option. Once you activate an effect, it can't be activated again until the next dawn. If you stow or drop the rod during the duration of an effect, it immediately ends.

Arcane Fusion 1: Step of Gaoh (1st level or higher). You can immediately use a bonus action to move up to 10 feet for each slot level used to cast the initial spell, without provoking opportunity attacks. At the end of this movement, the rod releases a blast of wind that extends from you in a 10-foot radius: each creature of your choice within that area is pushed up to 10 feet away from you.

Arcane Fusion 2: Fist of Amun (3rd level or higher). Before the end of your turn, you can use a bonus action to make a single melee spell attack, using the hand holding the rod. When you do, a giant fist of compressed wind surrounds your hand. On a hit, the target takes 1d10 bludgeoning damage for each slot level used to cast the initial spell. It is also pushed a number of feet away from you equal to 10 times the spell slot's level.

Arcane Fusion 3: Javelins of Njord (5th level or higher). You can immediately use a bonus action to summon a number of javelins in the air above you, which float as if by an unseen wind. The javelins are made of magical force. You summon a number of javelins equal to the level of the spell slot used to cast the initial spell. Make a ranged spell attack for each javelin against the same or multiple targets of your choice within 120 feet of you. On a hit, a target takes 1d8 force damage.

Arcane Fusion 4: Gale of Anemoi (7th level or higher). You can immediately choose any number of different creatures that you can see within 60 feet of you, up to the slot level used to cast the initial spell. On its next turn, a friendly creature you choose can take the Dash action as a bonus action; when it does, its movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks for the rest of the turn. A hostile creature you choose must make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is pummeled into the ground by wind, taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage and being knocked prone. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't knocked prone. A flying creature that fails its saving throw and has the ability to hover or is being held aloft by magic is immediately pushed 60 feet downward.

Arcane Fusion 5: Awoken Wind (9th level). The spirit within the rod immediately manifests in a space of your choice within 30 feet of you, using the statistics of a djinni. It remains as long as you concentrate (as if concentrating on a spell), to a maximum of 1 minute, or until it drops to 0 hit points. It then returns to the rod. Roll initiative for the spirit, which has its own turns. When you summon it and then again on each of your turns thereafter, you can issue a verbal command to it (requiring no action on your part), telling it what it must do on its next turn. If you issue no command, it spends its turn attacking any creature within reach that has attacked it.

The name of the wind matters not: I will be there to call upon it, regardless of the form it takes. The gentle breeze, the lifting tailwind, and the battering storm all rest in my hand.



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