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Weapon (shortsword), rare (requires attunement by a barbarian, fighter, monk, or rogue)

A long white ribbon trails behind this shimmering sword, whose blade is forged with swirls of gold. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, you gain the following benefits.

Cunning Strike. If you have 5 or more levels in the rogue class, you can use your Cunning Action feature to make a single attack with this weapon as a bonus action if you do not use an action to make a weapon attack or cast a spell on the same turn, as you master the balance of offense and improvisation.

Freed Hand. If you have 5 or more levels in the barbarian class, any target you hit with this weapon while raging takes an extra 1d6 piercing damage from it, as you master both brutal blows and the free exercise of your strength. You don't gain this benefit if you're holding a weapon or shield in your other hand.

Ki Channeling. If you have 5 or more levels in the monk class, you can use this weapon in place of any unarmed strike you make, as you master the grace and flow of your swordplay. Any feature that relies on or benefits your unarmed strikes, such as your Flurry of Blows or Martial Arts features, also applies to this weapon. In addition, whenever you use your Step of the Wind feature as a bonus action, you can immediately make one melee attack with the sword as part of that action.

Manipulating Attack. If you have 5 or more levels in the fighter class, you can take the Use an Object action or shove a target within your reach once per turn immediately after making an attack with this sword as part of the Attack action, as you master versatile tactics to shift the flow of battle. You can only push a target up to 5 feet away from you when you shove it in this way, but can choose to make the contested check using Dexterity (Acrobatics) instead of a Strength (Athletics) when you do.

First came the resourceful raider; streamer wildly spiraling, their blade flashed even as a thousand tricks and tools passed through their hands to confound their myriad foes.

Then was the stone-handed soldier; fabric wrapped tight around their arm, unbreakable grip leaving their prey utterly exposed to their piercing blows.

Next rose the whirling warrior; ribbon flowing as in an unseen wind, soul reaching through their blade as an extension of each element of their mastery.

Finally was the bold brawler; cloth jolting in rapid bursts as they seized control of any fight, moving environment and enemies alike to set the board for their perfect killing strike.

You who now bear this blade,

what shall you be?




Oo, a rogue could make a shove attack, get advantage on prone target and then bonus action attack for sneak damage! OP!


I don’t see any point in giving this to a Barbarian since you can’t wield a shield your basically wielding a glorified great sword.


Oh wait I’m dumb you can grapple