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Ring, very rare

The swirls that cover this golden ring seem to slowly writhe. The ring can hold up to 3 charges, and it gains 1 charge at the start of each of your turns in combat. If you score a critical hit while in combat, it immediately gains 3 charges, up to its maximum.

While the ring has 3 charges, you gain a +3 bonus to damage rolls from weapon attacks, and the minimum number you have to roll on a d20 to score a critical hit with a weapon attack is reduced by 1.

The ring loses all charges when combat ends or when you remove the ring. If you're wearing the ring when it loses these charges, you then gain 4 temporary hit points for each charge lost. These temporary hit points end early if you remove the ring.

You know it's coming, yet you can do nothing to stop it: some things are simply inevitable. At least, with this, we can hurry it along some.




I am kinda confused by the description. Does this mean we can get a critical hit if we roll a 19?


One of the better items in a while. Useful at any level of play.


That is coooooooooooool...