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Weapon (arrow), rare

This arrow is barbed with unforgiving spikes and releases a plume of magical shadow when shot. When a creature is hit by the arrow, it must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. A creature's Strength score is reduced by 2d4 for 1 hour on a failed save, or by half as much on a successful one. This effect can't reduce a creature's Strength score below 6. The arrow then becomes nonmagical.

Other types of magic ammunition of this kind exist, such as shadow-fletched bolts meant for a crossbow, though arrows are most common.

The old warlord had lived his life by solid steel—by plate and shield and blade. Even now, walking the halls of his own palace, he still bore them. Not in fear, but in deference to his own past, sins, strength, and scars.

Yet, perhaps, fear should have been a greater force.

The first arrow came as a surprise as it lodged into the unarmored back of his thigh. Even as he turned to face the assassin, he felt the plate growing too heavy for his limbs to lift.

The next arrow found the gap at the armor's elbow, leaving his shield to drop from deadened fingers as his legs began to buckle and he fell to his knees.

The last arrow only grazed his face, but it was enough. Its shade curled out to mix with the blood pouring down his cheek, and as he tried to rise, to swing his blade, to do anything… that shade crept across his eyes, sealing lids without the strength to open.

Helpless and alone in his palatial tomb, the warlord was never heard from again.




How much would you pay for this in a magical shop


I always recommend using the values suggested in Xanathar's! Keep in mind that since this is a consumable, it'd be half the normal price of typical rare items (which is reiterated in that same XGtE section).


Duuuude. This is brilliant.