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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Dreamfeather Headdress  — This headdress appears as a misty grey cap. When you wake from sleep, the headdress's feathers hue and arrangement change to match your last dream based on a number of emotions such as: calm, joyful, or nightmarish and each of these giving various benefits as well like a bonus to skill checks or advantage on saves against certain conditions.

2)  Wings of the Selfless  — This ragged, stained cloak bears the emblem of a long-forgotten order of healers. At the end of a long rest, you and five other creatures gain temporary hit points. You gain different benefits depending on the health of your allies, including: a bonus to your AC, being able to take the Dash action as a bonus action, or gaining a flying speed. Additionally, if an ally you can see dies, you descend into a rage.

3)  Last Stand Sabatons  — These heavy metal boots pulse with electricity and have plates that slide feely past each other. You gain a bonus depending on the number of enemies adjacent to you. Some of these benefits include: a bonus to walking speed, dealing lightning damage when you hit with a melee attack, or your speed becomes 0 and you gain a bonus to your AC while dealing damage to every creature around you.

4)  Planar Pathfinder Mask  — This plain but sturdy mask once belonged to a plane-hopping diplomat, a gem in its forehead reflecting images of different planes. You can use an action to cast the plane shift spell and the mask acts as a tuning fork. When on any plane other than the Material, the mask gives you different benefits, such as: resistance to certain damage, learning a language, or being able to cast a cantrip at will.

5)  Explorer's Adjutant  — This ceramic armor was made to aid an explorer. You can withstand greater temperatures and the armor changes form depending on the type of terrain you are in. You gain benefits depending on the form, including: a bonus to walking speed, gaining a swimming speed, or shedding bright and dim light in a cone.

6)  Adrenal Blades  — This pair of scimitars have a feathered design etched into their blades. If you become frightened, you roll a die and gain a benefit based on the result. On an even result, you prepare yourself for battle and the blades become more sinister looking, gaining advantage on attacks against the source of your fear. On an odd result, the swords turn into metallic wings, gaining a fly speed and opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage. Additionally, you can cast the haste spell on yourself.

7)  Chronomancer's Breastplate  — This cobalt-colored armor includes a stylized clock as a pauldron. When you roll initiative, you gain a benefit based on the result. This includes: the area around you becoming difficult terrain and casting the slow spell on one creature, you gain an additional bonus to AC, or your walking speed increases and you can make an additional attack on the first round of combat.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



Time armor, time armor, time armor, let's do it!


I know I state that magic swords are overdone but damn do the Adrenal Blades sound cool. Though when I read it, I had at first imagined them to be like Baraka's (from Mortal Kombat) arm blades.

Samuel Beckett Flower Horne

These all sound cool, but also REALLY powerful. Would love to see a couple rounds of simpler magic items to add some variety in terms of power scaling.