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Wondrous item, uncommon

You can use an action to blow this whistle, which is only audible to dogs and wolves within 300 feet of you. When you do, choose up to four dogs or wolves that you can see that can hear the whistle. Each creature must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is affected by a special version of the command spell, and it must obey your choice of one of the following commands on its next turn:

Attack. The creature moves up to its speed toward a target of your choice. If the target is within its reach at the end of this movement, the creature then makes a single attack against the target, using either its bite or claws.

Drop It. The target drops whatever it is holding and then ends its turn.

Fetch. The creature uses its action to Dash and retrieve an item that it can carry in its mouth, returning with the item to its original space. The object must be within range of the creature's normal movement.

Roll Over. The creature rolls over and remains prone for the turn.

Sit. The creature drops prone and then ends its turn.

Speak. The creature releases a loud howl that's audible out to 300 feet. If the creature communicates by howling, you decide the nature of the howl made.

You don't need to speak in order to issue the chosen command. A shapeshifter is only affected by the whistle if it's in a dog or wolf form when the whistle is blown. Once this property of the whistle has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

Bastan was desperate. The lycan and his trio of true wolves had weathered the harsh winter poorly—a situation worsened by the huntsmen who'd taken up residence at a nearby fort. So, in the depths of their hunger, the girl leaving the fort in ill-fit armor looked like a much-needed meal.

The pack approached, snarling and with teeth bared. Of all the things Bastan could have expected, they hardly thought they'd be met by the girl's unshakable confidence. With hardly a tensed muscle, she raised a whistle around her neck and....

Something deep, deep in Bastan's marrow leapt at the whistle's call.

