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Wondrous item, common or legendary

A featherwhumpus, a common magic item, is a pillow that releases a seemingly endless stream of feathers behind it when swung. You can use the pillow as if it were a magic club. On a hit, the target takes no damage, and a feathery plume erupts from the pillow, which lightly obscures the target until the end of the turn, at which point the feathers vanish.

The first time you find a featherwhumpus, roll a d100. On a 100, it's actually a legendary magic item with the additional properties:

  • A neutral evil ghost is trapped inside the pillow. It can speak and understand any languages it knew in life (usually Common), and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. Its voice sounds drowsy and sluggish. It wants nothing more than to be left alone to sleep, but admits that it hasn't been able to feel rested since being trapped inside the pillow.
  • On a hit, roll 10d10. If the total is greater than the target's remaining number of hit points, the target falls asleep and is unconscious for 1 hour, until the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake.
  • If you hit a sleeping creature with the pillow, it takes 10d10 psychic damage (instead of no damage), down to a minimum of 1 hit point. A creature that's reduced to 1 hit point in this way is possessed by the ghost inhabiting the pillow, as if by its Possession feature.
  • While the pillow's ghost is inhabiting another creature, it's treated as if it were a common featherwhumpus. The ghost magically returns to the pillow if it's forced out of the creature while on the same plane of existence as the pillow, at which point it regains its legendary properties.



"Ugh, do we have to go through this again. Please just let me sleep."


"Sleep is for the dead!"



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