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Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a human)

This cloak brings out the tenacity and adaptivity of any human who wears it. Choose one of the following options daily at dawn. You gain the benefits of that property while wearing the mantle.

Desert Folk. You gain resistance to fire damage and ignore difficult terrain created by sand or fire (such as lava or a similar hot surface). The cloak's pattern becomes a series of thin white lines dotted across an otherwise plain tan backdrop.

Forest Folk. You can hide when only lightly obscured by branches, grasses, or similar forest foliage. You also have advantage on Wisdom (Survival) checks to track creatures in these areas. The cloak's pattern becomes filled with amorphous brown and green shapes.

Mountain Folk. You gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock you prone. The cloak's pattern becomes a series of gray and brown triangles.

Prairie Folk. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet. In addition, you have advantage on any Wisdom (Animal Handling) check made to interact with mounts, and when you mount or dismount such a creature, it only costs you 5 feet of movement, instead of half your speed. The cloak's pattern becomes checkered and orange.

Sea Folk. You gain a swimming speed equal to your walking speed and can hold your breath for twice as long. The cloak's pattern becomes a shifting gradient of light to dark blue.

Tundra Folk. You gain resistance to cold damage and ignore difficult terrain created by ice or snow. The cloak's pattern becomes an icy blue with scattered silver dots.

When found, the mantle's property and appearance are from a random property.

No matter how long I live, humans will mystify me. By reason they're ill-suited to any environment, taken by conditions others might find comfortable. Yet I have travelled to the most barren corners of the world—mountains too treacherous for dwarves, forests too wild for elves, deserts too inhospitable for dragon kin—and there I find them, lone hunters or little communes, even cities, simply living. Thriving, even! I swear, open a portal to the deepest hell and you'll have a town of them within the year.

—Preface to A Grand Wyrm's Informal Accounting of Humanity, first edition




This is cool. But it would be awesome if we had a month or week of good cursed items. Most cursed items are just “you won’t let people touch it”

Frank Tano

'Sea Folk' will be of use for my Spelljammers.