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Wondrous item, uncommon

This triangular coin depicts a fair-faced goddess on one side, representing "weal," and a grim specter on the other, representing "woe." "Weal and Woe" is written in Common along the coin's topmost edge.

You can use an action to flip the coin and hold a question in your mind, allowing the coin to hit the ground when it falls. The coin then duplicates the effect of the augury spell. Depending on the outcome of the spell, the coin lands in one of the following orientations:

  • If the coin lands with either the goddess or specter facing you, the answer to your question is "weal" or "woe," depending on the shown face.
  • If "Weal and Woe" is facing you, the answer to your question is "weal and woe."
  • If the coin lands upright on its edge, the answer is "nothing" instead.

Each time you flip the coin, roll a d20. On a 1 or lower, the coin shatters and is destroyed. The maximum number that needs to be rolled to destroy the coin in this way increases by 1 each time the coin is flipped after the first. When found, the coin has already been flipped 1d4 − 1 times.

I've heard it said the gods don't play dice with the universe. Of course not: the games they play are far more straightforward. The aims are known and tallied long before we mortal kin ever reach the board.

And yet, having just a touch of cunning and foreknowledge has kept me from the reaper thus far.

The gods may play their games, but I've always been a proud cheat.




On a 1 or lower?