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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

These leafy, long gardening gloves are adorned with enchanted vines that cinch its sides together. While wearing the gloves, you gain a +3 bonus to Intelligence (Nature) and Wisdom (Survival) checks made to interact with plants.

In addition, the gloves have 2 magical bunches of herbs, one on each glove, that regrow daily at dawn. When you cast a spell that requires concentration, you can speak the gloves' command word to consume 1 bunch of herbs. When you do, the herbs dry and crumble, duplicating the effect of the barkskin spell on yourself. This effect lasts for as long as you concentrate on the original spell, up to a maximum of 1 hour. It ends early if you remove either of the gloves.

Twigs and branches, prune and toil. This witch grew from fertile soil.



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