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Hey heroes! Thanks for the generous extra week of time off: it was extremely valuable.

If anyone hasn't been brought up to speed on the hijinks relating to OGL 1.1, please read about it here from a Saddlebag-support lawyer's (very readable) post on Medium:


This is a great breakdown that's easy to read, clear, and to the point. It won't take you more than 5 minutes to read but will arm you with a good understanding of what's at stake.

I'm going to be doing everything in my power to keep the pressure on Wizards to back down and leave 1.0a alone. Your tweets with the #openDnD hashtag make a difference. Truly. Let them know that OGL 1.0a doesn't need updating, and that the game has flourished because of it, not in spite of. Wizards hates bad PR, so give it to them. They've already delayed announcements because of it.

In either event, I will also keep you abreast to any changes that the Saddlebag is possibly forced to adopt. I promise that your experience and satisfaction with the content is my first priority, and that anything I do will have you front and center in my mind. For now, let's keep the pressure on and show them the value of quality, community-supported content.

Keep on adventuring, heroes. I will, of course, be super vocal about anything that's happening on my end as it pertains to your support of the Patreon.




Full support to you in this. Content can wait, the future of DnD and so many small businesses is far more important

Lukas Polansky

I’m standing with ya. Together we can make a difference. This is our community, and we won’t let them destroy it. #OpenDND https://www.opendnd.games/


google wizards of the coast ogl for a link from their site to a 400 page OGL 1.1


I'm happy you aren't going anywhere. From what I hear Sad Fishe and another company are already getting lawyers ready to fight to keep 1.0 OGL and they are looking to get others onboard. Not sure what can be done but that's the most promising thing I've heard since the leak came out.


I'm really hoping creators are able to move to a more system agnostic (though with as much diversity in the RPG space as video game genre's, it can never be truly agnostic compatible) This would help encourage people to expand and explore a lot more game system outside of the very DnD-centric state the industry has been for the longest time


My dream scenario is if third party developers are able to band together and agree on a new truly open-source d20 system that they can freely reprint the rules and include in any of their own books. A commercially decentralised game system that allows for the combination of third party sources. The Linux of TTRPG. It would be a LOT of effort and I don't thing it would happen, but it's a fun thought I like to have. I can imagine the DM would need to approve each source book before a campaign or else you'd get your players trying to pull from pirates, pet adventures, space creatures, and call of cuthulu for a winter survival campaign. Though thats not too different from one of my 5e campaigns already.


I'll continue to support you as long as I can, I think you do fantastic work with everything you do here. Your magic items are creative and fun, and your settings are really intriguing, well written, and have some of the most well balanced Subclasses and NPC's I've ever seen from a 3rd party creator (and better balanced than WotC's more modern releases). I'm sure that if you have to move away from D&D because of the new OGL that whatever system you move to you'll create just as balanced and creative content for it


It's time to EnDnD.


I'm not going anywhere. You've still got my support!


Apparently I have been lied to for YEARS, pathfinder is an incredible system I do not see any of the issues people have 'warned' me about