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Hey everyone! Thanks for your patience: Val Linsin is the final setting from Year 4 and is also a perfect locale for the December subclass to make its debut!

The holy refuge of Val Linsin, the City of Towers, stands proudly within and a narrow yet wide canyon that shares its name. Four-hundred-foot-tall cliffs of granite serve as natural defenses to the city, while manufactured towers and keeps carved into and over the canyon provide additional coverage.
Hundreds of years ago, the people of Linsin, Val Linsin’s progenitor settlement, fled to the narrow pass to avoid undead legions led by the vile necromancer Raventhia Fellsworn, the Lady of Crimson Bone and Commander of Skeletal Legions.
Were it not for a troupe of horse-faring pilgrims camping in the valley, the skeletal regions would have destroyed the escaping Linsinites. But as Fellsworn’s undead cavalry bore down on them, the Riders unleashed a hail of arrows, magically incinerating the undead horde in a purifying light.
The horse-faring pilgrims have since become known as the Riders of Divinity. They worked alongside the Linsinites to rebuild their home in the canyon where the stood against Fellsworn’s hordes.

Val Linsin is a holy city filled with political turmoil stored quietly behind closed doors. What's worse is that a cultist uprising is masked by these more obvious theocratic issues. Visitors are likely to only take note of the beautiful masonry and craftsmanship, as well as its stunning bridge that overlooks the entire city.

There are two subclasses included with this release: the Paladin's Oath of the Watchtower and the Rogue Heretic.

The Oath of the Watchtower allows you to use your Channel Divinity to magically wield a bow with ease and send your Divine Smites through it (which use a d6, instead of d8). Further, you can move your aura's origin to another creature so you can safely rain down holy retribution from afar while providing passive benefits to your allies with your detached aura. You can also from afar with your Lay On Hands or even set up safeguards to protect your allies while you rest!

The Heretic is a rogue with warlock-like magic granted to them by temporarily associating itself with any cleric domain of its choice. Your spell list is the same as a cleric's Domain Spells, and you can change your equipped spells daily, or at a later level, once between rests. You can use Dexterity to wield a mace, and you can even debuff targets with a special curse. Your relationship with religion is up to you: you can be a cunning cult leader, a spy, or an actual priest. In any case, your knowledge of religion is enough to potentially disguise yourself among the devout. 

Speaking of the subclass, here's a reminder that we also have official subclass playtest sessions on the Discord! So please feel welcome to sign up for them and get early looks and hands-on time with them! As always, further revisions will be made here with published updates as they're released!

What's Included:

  • 18 pages of city details, history, and unique NPCs!
  • Choose sides and gain favors in a tumultuous theocratic political landscape!
  • Bonus maps donated by Cze & Peku!
  • 6 new statblocks of creatures that visit or even devour dreams!
  • New Paladin and Rogue subclasses: the Oath of the Watchtower and the Heretic! Use divinity to your advantage in brand new ways!


I was responsible for direction, design, and additional editing for this setting. However, this couldn't be possible without extra help. If you like this setting, consider supporting these other incredible creators:

DMDave — Writing, editing

TheArenaGuy — Monster design

Cze & Peku and Renflower — Maps

Aaron Riley — Subclass illustration

Damien Mammoliti — Monster Art

Benjamin Sommeregger — Cover art

Jelke Ludolphij — Additional layout

This release is also made especially possible by the extra generosity of $13+ Legendary Heroes! Thank you all so much for you support, and be proud of your place in the end credits! You've earned it!




Knocked it outta the park again! Love when you do your settings, subclasses, and especially npcs which I find quite alot of use for in my campaign