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Abyssal Brews is another talented magic item maker. Their designs are fun and flavorful, and are a welcome addition to the magic item scene. They also release fun modules, like their clever Campfire optional ruleset, that give fresh takes on the game.


Longsword, legendary (requires attunement)

Light can be a faithful ally, but to some, they see it as a weapon to be wielded like any other. The core of this longsword houses a fraction of a barely contained, collapsing star wreathed in an otherworldly metal. You have a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magical weapon and all attacks made with this weapon deal radiant damage. Additionally, you gain darkvision to 120 ft. while holding this weapon.

Event Horizon. While attuned to this weapon and holding it on your turn, you can use a bonus action to speak the command word causing a sphere of magical darkness to emanate from it in a 30 foot radius. You can see through this magical darkness and can command it to move up to 40 feet at the start of your turn. Any non-magical sources of light such as torches, lanterns, or candles that enter the darkness are extinguished and grant you a charge of Singularity up to a maximum of 10 charges. This magical darkness lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it by using your Singularity charges. You can do this a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus. This ability recharges its uses after completing a long rest. You can only ever have one Event Horizon sphere active at a time.

Singularity. On your turn, while your Event Horizon sphere is active, you can use a bonus action to cause the sphere to collapse and explode in a burst of light. All creatures within the sphere when it bursts take 1d12 radiant damage per charge of Singularity and are pulled 10 feet toward the center of the sphere. After doing this, the magical darkness dissipates and all Singularity charges are lost.

AbyssalBrews is a team of two creating elegant magic items, creatures, subclasses, addon systems, and more for 5E. We release a new item pack every week in a variety of formats that make it easy for you to integrate into your campaigns whether you play in person or online. 
Our magic items cover a wide array of genres ranging from standard fantasy through steampunk, horror, and more. We pride ourselves on creating engaging mechanics that are simple enough to use at the table, but complex enough to spark interest and excitement from your players. 
When you become a patron of AB you get instant access to our entire backlog of releases including all of our “One More Thing” releases that offer a special, additional piece of content monthly.
Each item is uniquely illustrated by Fernando and written by Matthew. 



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