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Wondrous item, common

Thin wisps of smoke gently rise from this spool of magic black thread. You can use the entire spool of thread to repair an article of clothing or embroider a design on one instead. In either case, it takes 1 hour to sew the entire spool's thread on an article of clothing, at which point the thread's magic is transferred to it. While a creature is wearing the article of clothing, it can add 1d4 to the total of any Dexterity (Stealth) check it makes. Once this property has been used for a third time, its magic is lost.

The young boy had always been mysterious, but never in a way that would suggest he was worthy of mistrust. Day in and day out, he would sit at his place on the docks to weave his patches and sew. When a sailor would complain that a repair's threads wouldn't match their original clothing's color, they would always invariably return to thank the lad in the end.



Cuppa Teafling

Oh, this is perfect for the character with proficiency in weaver’s tools and who is making a cloak for another PC!