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Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

This thin stiletto is sheathed within the barrel of a star-filled medwakh pipe. The dagger itself has a hollow handle and mouthpiece that connects to the rest of the pipe, allowing you to smoke the pipe using the dagger while it's sheathed. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

A small, dark ember ignites at the center of the dagger's blade daily at dusk. You can use an action to sheathe the dagger (if it isn't already) and breathe deeply from the pipe. When you do, a thick black smoke emanates from the pipe, which you can exhale in front of you in a 10-foot cone. Each creature within the cone must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of your next turn. The ember is then extinguished, and the smoke vanishes. If you slay a Small or larger hostile creature with the dagger, the dagger's dark ember is relit and this property can be used again.

"Is that him?" asked Raikya as the young noble approached. She watched him carefully from behind her mask and tumbling red hair. She took a long draw from the pipe she held in her hand, as if deep in thought.

"Yes," hissed Risa through gritted teeth. Her hatred could be felt through the word alone.

Raikya's infernal blood boiled as the noble, the barony's heir, straightened his collar and smoothed back his hair. He strutted toward them and drew a deep breath, as if to speak, but Raikya cut him off.

"I care not for the company of conspirators and murderers, my lord, especially those who consider me—or my partner—to be a target."

As she spoke, a wave of ink-black smoke washed over the man. In a single motion, Raikya drew a darkened dagger from the pipe and plunged it into his soft neck. Through the blinding smog and fits of coughing, no one could see or hear the man's well-deserved end.



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