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Scroll, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

Unlike most scrolls having a dowel at its center or some means of a carrying case, a mobius scroll is a half-twisted length of paper that's been magically connected to itself to form an infinite, continuous sheet.

The scroll is blank when found. A spell appears on it when you first attune to the scroll and then again daily at dawn; roll a d8 each time and use the table below to determine what spell is written on the scroll. On a 1 or 8, an extra spell appears on the scroll (as determined by the table). While you're attuned to the scroll, you can use a bonus action to shunt it to a special demiplane or summon it to your free hand. You can read from the scroll to cast a spell from it using an action.

You can cast a spell from the scroll as normal while you're attuned to it, even if that spell isn't on your spell list, using your spellcasting ability modifier, spell save DC, and spell attack bonus. Once a spell has been cast from the scroll, the ink in which it was written vanishes from the paper, and that spell can't be cast again until the next time it appears on the scroll. Any spell remaining on the scroll is replaced by the new spell or spells daily at dawn.

A spell that's copied from the scroll into a spellbook is permanently removed from the scroll. If that spell is rolled on the table above after it's been copied in this way, nothing happens, and the scroll remains blank until the next dawn.

"Ugh, I can never tell where the spell starts and ends on this blasted thing. Doesn't do any good if you start reading from the middle, you know? Hang on, let me look for the seam."




Just curious, if you get the extra spell on a roll of a 1 or 8, how do you get extra spells 2-7? Or do you roll a d8 a second time if you get a 1 or 8 on the first die roll?

Nix Nyte

I assume you just roll another d8 and grab whatever it lands on from the second column.


You roll a d8. On a 1 or 8 roll 1d8 again. The First d8 give you the spell on the left, the extra d8 from first rolling a 1 or 8 gives you the spell on the right.