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Hey heroes!

In case you were wondering about why I suddenly made a little mini-pack of sci-fi-adjacent items the other week (the force safe, sunfire, and arkanotana), it's because I wanted to make a little bundle for Cze and Peku's new series of sci-fi spaceship battlemaps, Hyperdrive Fleet. Cze and Peku are long-time friends of the Saddlebag, as many of you know, so it's with pleasure that I wanted to help send off their new Patreon with some fun and thematic items.

In return, Cze and Peku wanted to share some of these sci-fi maps with you! Here's what they wanted to say to introduce you to Hyperdrive Fleet:

We're Hyperdrive Fleet, a team who love both sci-fi and mapmaking!  We specialize in sci-fi maps for roleplaying games like Starfinder, Stars Without Number, Dark Matter, Stillfleet, Traveller, Star Wars RPG, Mothership, Death in Space, Coriolis, The Expanse and more!

As always, files are below! Have fun with these top-notch maps! And if you want more maps like these, be sure to support the Hyperdrive Patreon here! 




Thanks for the collaboration Griff! We hope everyone enjoys our new sci-fi content. :)