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Wondrous item, rare

This backpack is armored with the shell of a mighty turtle. Wearing or removing the backpack requires an action. It functions as a handy haversack with the following changes and additional benefits:

  • The backpack has only the central pouch of the haversack.
  • The backpack always weighs 20 pounds, regardless of its contents.
  • The backpack can't be destroyed by being torn or pierced.
  • While wearing the backpack, you can hold your breath for up to 1 hour.
  • While wearing the backpack, you gain a +2 bonus to AC until the start of your next turn whenever you take the Dodge action.

While useful, the bag is a little unwieldy. A creature wearing the backpack can only stand up from being prone by using an action unless another friendly creature is within 5 feet of it.

"Aw, come on! It was a joke!" the halfling called after the tiefling, knowing full well that he'd pay later for it. The thought of how to make it up to his adventuring partner was quickly disrupted as he was suddenly upended, his feet having been swept out from under him. He winced when he hit the ground, eyes settling on the ceiling before rolling over to the nearby monk.

"I'm goin' ta go get sum food. I'm not savin' ya anythin'." As the feet padded away, the smaller man groaned, rocking himself back and forth a couple of times before finally making it to his knees to quickly follow after his hungry friend.



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