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Wondrous item, uncommon

This corsage is teeming with all manner of verdant plant life. Four roses decorate the corsage, whose colors and arrangement can be magically changed using an action while wearing it. You always smell of fresh plants and roses while wearing the corsage.

You can remove a rose from the corsage as if you were unsheathing a weapon. When you do, the rose's stem magically extends from the flower, transforming into a long thorn at its tip. The rose is considered to be a +1 dagger and can't be returned to the corsage once removed. If a removed rose is more than 5 feet away from the corsage at the end of a turn, it withers and becomes an ordinary dead rose.

The corsage regrows 1d4 missing roses daily at dawn.

The fey court, while one of the most beautiful places to be, is also, secretly, one of the most well-armed.



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