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The queen, still displeased, rapped her fingers on the table scroll. A new design, a great weapon of war, drew itself in the air. She examined the model, pulling and pushing pieces around in the air to investigate. She snapped her fingers to summon the engineer.

"This. This right here will cause it to fail!" she jabbed at a joint on the design.

He examined it, took the illusory joint in his fingers, and inspected it with a furrowed brow. With a flick to the side, the joint turned to illusory dust and vanished. He made a scribble of notes on the page, then a new illustration. An updated joint appeared in the previous one's place, resolving the issue.

"Excellent catch, Your Majesty. Better you than them," he said. He went back to the build, reaching into his robes to bring new tools to hand.



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