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Wondrous item, uncommon

A nimblewrap roll is a roll of gauze, leather, or fabric detailed with flowing patterns. The roll can be wound around the handle of a weapon over the course of 1 minute to magically grant it the finesse property, as the weapon's movements become smooth and fluid, provided that the weapon doesn't have the two handed, heavy, or special property. The roll can be applied in this way to a mundane weapon or a common magic weapon without any risk of failure. However, magic weapons of higher rarities may not accept the roll's enchantment, removing the roll's magic properties on a failure: uncommon (20 percent failure chance), rare (60 percent), very rare (80 percent), or legendary (90 percent). The roll automatically fails when applied to artifacts.

You can remove the roll from a weapon over the course of 1 minute.

Small. Weak. No use for a stunted giant. Barely over men's height.

Yrsa heard as much—and worse—when they taunted her with the fallen jarl's hatchet. She remembered it as a trinket in her father's hand, yet it was large enough she had to hold it as an ill-balanced battleaxe. So she was cast out, stripped of her birthright.

They'd said her father stood tall enough to drive thunderclouds to the earth, so she danced with the mists he left below. She carved the haze into flowing forms with each swing revealing its unseen patterns, the ends of the hatchet's new grip trailing behind her.

Size. Strength. Tradition. All things her new, flowing art would fell.



Jaron Mortimer

So why does it have a failure rate?


because magic items are built one way, and affecting that can fail. If you don't like it, edit that out?