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Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)

This jagged circlet is made from covolt, an elemental blue metal that carries storm-like properties. You have resistance to lightning damage while wearing the circlet, and whenever you or another creature that you can see within 60 feet of you takes lightning damage, you can use your reaction to reduce that damage by 2d8. When you do, the electricity leaps towards the circlet before being immediately discharged as a beam of lightning in another direction. Choose a different target that you can see within 60 feet of you. That target must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or take lightning damage equal to the amount reduced.

If you cast a spell that deals either acid, cold, fire, or thunder damage while wearing the circlet, you can choose to use the circlet as a spellcasting focus for that spell. When you do, the damage becomes lightning damage, instead of its original type. Once this property has been used, you shouldn't use it again until the next dawn. Each time you do, there's a cumulative 20 percent chance that you also take 1d8 lightning damage for each level of the spell that you transmute. This damage ignores resistance and immunity and can't be reduced or redirected by the circlet. For the purposes of this property, a cantrip counts as a 1st-level spell.

"I bear the crown of the tempest itself, made of the metal born of its ire. Your powers are mere parlor tricks to me: I will show you the meaning of 'shock' and 'awe.'"



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