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Hey heroes!

I'll be at GenCon in Indianapolis next month! I'll be posting content as normal during up until Saturday the 6th. If you'll be at the convention, be sure to stop by the Hit Point Press booth when I'm there to say hi! I'd love to see you. More details on when I'll be there will come out once that sort of thing is organized: typically a week or so ahead of the event.

From the 6th to the 12th, returning the 13th, I'll be taking some time off to enjoy the rest of the convention, the summer, and just recuperate. Typical weekend posts that would've been made on the 6th and 7th will be made the following week on the 13th and 14th instead.

As with all Saddlebag vacations, I'll be sharing content here from other creators while I'm away! Funny enough, I suspect many other creators will be doing the same thing, too: we'll all be at GenCon, after all!

As always, thank you all so much for your support! You truly are my greatest heroes, and I couldn't do this without you.

Keep on adventuring!




Have a wonderful time! Thanks for all your great work 👍


See you there!