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The crash of lightning can still be felt in its branches. The shuddering of its might remains, and it serves my beck and call.




Would an Artificer also be able to attune to this staff and use it?


As written, no, but part of that is that I'm legally not allowed to make content for Artificers. Of course a level 14 artificer can attune to anything they want, but by that point an uncommon staff will hardly be their first choice I suspect. Staff attunement requirements typically fall under "Can the class already learn this on their spell list, or is it thematic with their overall flavor." If the answer is yes to that, it'll get added to the attunement list. Since artificers don't get Call Lightning or Lightning Bolt, they wouldn't get access to this staff. Now you could make the argument on the flavor side of things that artificers fiddle with electricity, depending on your world, and in that case you can rule that they'd get RAW attunement access to this as well. Up to you!


Ah, I see! Thank you for that elaborate answer!