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Changelog for the druid (there's a lot, for the better!) can be found at the bottom of the post!

Colorful, cheerful, and filled with many unique characters, Breezeport is a coastal bay city spread over lush green hills. For the most part, the weather is cool and calm in Breezeport. Summers sometimes get hot, but winters are always mild. Thanks to the presence of a local sect of druids, local water and air currents supply the bay with ample warm water and sailable skies. At any point, dozens of small, colorful sailboats can be seen dotting the bay’s rich blue water. Thanks to its central location between several large regional cities, its culture became a rich tapestry of art, history, and commerce. As such, Breezeport is a common stop for resting and resupplying for hundreds of importers, exporters, and merchants.
Breezeport is a city that believes in two principles. First, every sentient creature has the right to be free and do as they please so long as it doesn’t affect others. Second, every creature is entirely responsible for the consequences of its actions. Many locals carry at least some form of light, but practical, means of protection, as their shared responsibility for the law sometimes means enforcing it. With hundreds of adventurers making their home in this sprawling city of 15,000, Breezeport’s citizens have little to fear from outside dangers.

The subclass for the setting is the new druid circle: the Circle of the Storm! Harness the might of thunderstorms and become a bolt of lightning with your Wild Shape! Use it to zip around the battlefield through your enemies or simply to reach faraway places!

Speaking of the subclass, here's a reminder that we also have official subclass playtest sessions on the Discord! So please feel welcome to sign up for them and get early looks and hands-on time with them! As always, further revisions will be made here with published updates as they're released!

What's Included:

  • 17 pages of city adventure, including in-depth sailboat races! Breezeport has been mentioned in several flavor texts over the years, and was even the setting of the cover on Book One!
  • Bonus maps donated by Cze & Peku!
  • 7 new statblocks for humanoid denizens of the city, plus a troublesome fey pest!
  • New druid subclass: the Circle of the Storm! Command the power of storms and transform yourself into a bolt of lightning!


I was responsible for direction, design, and additional editing for this setting. However, this couldn't be possible without extra help. If you like this setting, consider supporting these other incredible creators:

DMDave — Writing, editing

TheArenaGuy — Monster design

Cze & Peku and Renflower — Maps

Aaron Riley — Subclass illustration

Damien Mammoliti — Monster Art

Benjamin Sommeregger — Cover art

Jelke Ludolphij — Additional layout

This release is also made especially possible by the extra generosity of $13+ Legendary Heroes! Thank you all so much for you support, and be proud of your place in the end credits! You've earned it!

Changelog v1.28

What's different?
Well, a fair bit. During testing there were a few issues that kept coming up: players didn't want to use their normal Wild Shape because they'd rather keep it for Lightning Leap, which felt antithetical to how druids are meant to be played. This also brought up why only the Moon Druid's Wild Shapes ever get used in combat. Other Wild Shape users, like Spore or Wildfire druids, get prolonged use of their Wild Shapes, whereas this never did, so using it at the perfect time became too much of a concern to allow the use of the WS expense otherwise. To address both of these consistent player pain points, I made the following changes. You may note that this went from version 1 to version 1.28, which is pretty substantial. This has gone through a lot of stages to get where it is, but it's definitely well-liked!
Lightning Leap
No longer tied to Wild Shape. Instead, it's its own resource that, well, has the exact same recharge and uses as your Wild Shape (except for at level 20, that doesn't change with the Leap). This allows you to transform into a mouse form for recon without fear of wasting a potential Leap if things go sideways.
In making this change, there's no more THP granted for using the Leap. However, you can use your Wild Shape at the end of the leap using the same action, allowing you to become something like a bear at the end of the lightning effect to get into the fray in a single shocking bound.
When you transform like this, that's when you get the THP, which now is a flat value that scales based on reaching key levels in the class. You also do passive damage to creatures that hit you while you're transformed like this, as your electrified shell zaps them back while you have those temporary hit points. This extra THP gained keeps these creatures a bit more in line with the value that a Moon Druid's combat wild shape gets, but of course takes more resources to get it.
The damage has also scaled back a little, going from 2d10 + your druid level to 2d8 plus it instead. This makes room for the slower extra damage you deal while in your Wild Shape. It's less spike damage in exchange for the added utility of the Wild Shape option, but is still a worthwhile use of an action should you choose to just use this. D8s also line up with lightning damage more than d10s do anyway.
Improved Shocking Grasp
You can now use shocking grasp while in your Wild Shapes, too. This way you're not sacrificing general bread-n-butter actions while transformed in combat.
Perfect Storm
Now also lets you make a single weapon attack if you end your Leap within 5 feet of a creature. This lets shillelagh-using druids to get an extra bonk in there, or lets a druid that transforms mid-Leap to make a bear swipe at a target after zooming over there.
New level 10 perk — Live Wire
This replaces the Lightning Body feature from version 1.0. This still grants you resistance to lightning damage, but also lets you regain a use of your Leap if you start a combat without a use of it left.
Living Tempest
Not many changes here other than removing the caveat about the Wild Shape uses which were present in version 1.0. 



Mags Hirve

This setting is awesome. Thanks!


This may be a foolish question but can enemies take attacks of opportunity on you as you pass through them using lightning leap?