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Wondrous item, rare

Typically carried by oni, a tengu fan functions as a wind fan with the following changes:

  • Its save DC is 15, instead of 13.
  • It can be used twice before the next dawn, instead of once, without the risk of destroying it. However, when it's used for a third time or more, the cumulative chance to be destroyed is 50 percent, instead of 20.
  • When used to cast the gust of wind spell, razor-sharp leaves fill the line of wind. A creature that fails the saving throw against the wind at the start of its turn also takes 2d4 slashing damage from the sharp leaves. On a successful save, the creature instead takes half as much slashing damage.
  • The fan can also be used as a magic sickle with a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it.

The Crimson Shogun rose, gusts whipping past him through the sanctum to break against the cloaked figure. Only the rustling of trees beyond the hall's pillars could be heard as they took ready stances, the blade-like fan in the Shogun's hand reflected by his opponent's blade.

Both moved at once, the Shogun's fan slicing through the air to raise the wind to hurricane ferocity as the other launched towards him. The gale pulled razor leaves into a whirling column, shredding the figure's straw hat as she flew against the Shogun's might. Yet, as he saw her face for the first time, the smile beneath her curling horns was unshaken. Even as her cloak was carved to ribbons and blood began to stain the fallen leaves, she held her ground.

Yet something must give, and with a sound like a typhoon the Prince's fan was torn apart. The instant of hesitation before the Shogun could respond—the instant the winds halted—was all the swordswoman needed.

And the last of the Oni Lords fell.



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