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"The first strawmen weren't scarecrows, son. They were farmers, like us, but cursed by the witches of yore. The farmers had strayed too close to the witches' land, and their horses were left to graze on the covens' prized herbs.

"The farmers paid no heed to the witches' complaint, though. They saw no problem with the horses feeding on whatever it was they could find.

"That was, of course, until the horses began to feed on the farmers themselves—pulling straw from their flesh like a sack of hay.

"Now the crows know better than to trifle with coven curses, boy. That's why they stray from the strawmen in the fields, and that's why I'm telling you this story. Stay true to what's yours, and listen to the women around ye."




Quick note, the cards for the reveled and hidden curse are swapped.