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Weapon (any bow), rare

This dark bow has a series of smooth red gemstones running down its length. A magic bowstring of pure energy forms between the top- and bottom-most gems while held, allowing the otherwise unstrung weapon to be used as a magic bow. Even while unstrung, the weapon remains slightly curved.

Before or after making an attack with the weapon, you can speak its command word to cause the bowstring to fade and create a blade of energy that extends from the front of the bow. While the blade persists, the bow is considered to be a two-handed melee weapon with the finesse property. If you are proficient with shortswords or longswords, you are proficient with this weapon. Its damage die is a d8, and it deals radiant damage on a hit. The blade persists until you speak the weapon's command word again to reform the bowstring, allowing it to be used as a ranged weapon once more, or until you’re no longer holding the weapon.

A target hit by this weapon, regardless of its form, takes an extra 1d6 radiant damage from the attack.

You think of me as frail? As a frightened soldier, keeping out of harm's way? I am no mere mewling sharpshooter: I am a threat in every sense of the word. Come at me, then, and see how you should be running for the hills.




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