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Armor (leather), uncommon (requires attunement)

While wearing this dark leather armor in dim light or darkness, a shadowy cape billows behind you and obscures your movements. While the armor's cape is flowing behind you in this way, opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage. While attuned, you are considered proficient with this armor even if you lack proficiency with light armor.

In addition, if you are in dim light or darkness, you can use a bonus action to cast the misty step spell from the armor, reappearing in a plume of dark smoke that immediately dissipates. Once the armor has been used to cast this spell, it can't do so again until the next dusk.

Wraith's Ensemble. Dying doesn’t end your attunement to this magic item. In addition, if you’re attuned to three items with this named property, you treat bright light (but not sunlight) as if it were dim light or darkness for the purposes of the items’ various properties, and you can use a bonus action to reveal or suppress one or more of the items’ visual effects. While an item’s visual effects are suppressed, you don’t gain the benefits of that item’s other properties.

The circle of wolves split around the wanderer, startled by his midnight approach. He paid no heed to the jaws closing half-heartedly on the shadows flowing in his wake, and the beasts settled back as soon as he'd passed; not enough meat there for a meal, and what was there wasn't worth the trouble.

The wanderer himself was scanning the rocky forest for some defensible site, a new site he could—however briefly—hold as sanctuary. Coming to the base of a cliff, his eyes ran up the cracks across the stone before locking on a barely visible point of darkness high above his head. Then the shadows rose to cover him completely, flowing up and into the concealed cave in a swirl of smoke.




Absolutely yes thank you!