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Weapon (crossbow, heavy or light), rare

This magic crossbow is detailed with wings and an angelic face at its end. A metal box of crossbow bolts fits into the base of the weapon, which automatically lifts a new bolt into place each time its string is pulled back again to fire. The box holds up to six bolts and can be refilled using an action. While the box holds at least one bolt, the weapon ignores its normal loading property, but must use the next bolt from the box with each attack it makes.

When the weapon is drawn, radiant, celestial runes appear on the front of the crossbow. A target hit by a bolt fired from this weapon takes an extra 1d4 radiant damage. If the target is a fiend, undead, or shapechanger, you deal the maximum extra radiant damage, instead of rolling.

A glossy full moon cast light over the cloaked man sitting high in the tower window. He chuckled to himself as he reloaded his weapon and idly watched another undead fall in its slow, endless tracks. He'd lost count of them by this point.

"You know, if they had any brains left, they'd run. Or rush the buil—"

He stopped midsentence. A howl swept over the dusty hills, dunking his nerves in ice water and cutting him short.

"Damn," he hissed, now hurrying to gather ammunition, "now those have brains I need to worry about."



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