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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This fountain pen is a favorite among calligraphers and tattoo artists in Ilridun. A small vial is built into the pen as part of its bulbous, yet strangely comfortable handle, and can be filled with ink to supply the pen with a constant flow of it while writing. You gain a +1 bonus to ability checks with calligrapher’s supplies while using this pen, even if you aren't attuned to it.

If you're attuned to the calligrapher's shade, you're also proficient with calligrapher’s supplies, and you have advantage on any ability check you make with them while using the pen.

In addition, if you're attuned to the pen, you can fill it with 10 gp worth of fine ink to tattoo yourself over the course of 8 hours. When you do, the tattoo can be magically brought to life, mimicking the effects of the find familiar spell with the following changes:

  • The familiar is an ooze and appears as an inky black silhouette.
  • Regardless of the form you choose for the familiar, it can't gain the benefits of a flying speed.
  • The familiar can't be used to deliver spells.
  • While the familiar remains motionless against a solid surface, its form magically solidifies and becomes indistinguishable from a normal inked illustration.
  • When you temporarily dismiss the familiar, it returns to your body as an inanimate tattoo in a location of your choice.

While a familiar exists in this way, the pen can't be used to create another one. The familiar disappears when it drops to 0 hit points or if your attunement to the pen ends, leaving behind a small pool of nonmagical ink.

The archmage flipped through the illuminated bestiary—a peace offering from his old rival. Despite the sorceress's seeming contrition, he'd checked the tome for traps or magic sigils, but with no subterfuge to be found he'd set it down for the night.

Opening it once more under morning light, he found a page absent the book's usual masterful illustrations and sighed; even in apology, she couldn't help but find a flawed edition as a gift.

Just out of sight, a shade of fur slipped into the corner of his study, pressing flat to become just another beast in the wall's woodland pattern.



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