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Wondrous item, common

This rough leather backpack has red binding straps and anvil emblem on its front. Even if it's empty, it sounds like various clattering tools can be found inside it. The bag has a limited demiplane inside of it that's used for carrying impractically heavy artisan's tools from place to place. You can use an action to reach into the bag and magically remove one or more tools from either a glassblower's, smith's, or tinker's tool set from the demiplane. Alternatively, you can choose to remove a miniature anvil from it that's 1 foot long and weighs 20 pounds. A tool or anvil removed from the bag in this way magically disappears and returns to the bag if it's ever more than 60 feet away from the bag or if it goes untouched for 10 minutes. While a tool is within the bag's demiplane, its weight is reduced to 0.

If you have a different magic item with "Redsmith" in the name, you can perform a special ritual while holding the item to store it within the bag's limited demiplanar space. You perform the ritual over the course of 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest, and the bag must be within your reach throughout the ritual. Afterwards, the item can be magically withdrawn and returned to the bag as with any other. Performing the ritual with the same item again severs the connection between the bag and item. Only one of each Redsmith item can be added to the bag in this way.

The bag can also be used as a normal backpack.

The dwarven blacksmith was well known for her work, and was easily identifiable by the ever-rattling bag strapped to her back. She worked silently with no flame: the red hammer always present in her hand as she mended all brought to her. No coin was ever exchanged. For her, the work itself more than enough.




Have any other Redsmith items come out yet?


Redsmith Crucible and Hammer. So this makes the third item