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Noa was sitting quietly at the bar. The beer was fine, albeit siltier today than the usual swill he could afford. Things never changed, but when they did, they typically got worse.

Suddenly, a neatly folded envelope squeezed into reality from simple nothingness and landed on the sticky bar top. He looked at it for a moment before spinning around to see if anyone else was around to see what happened. As usual, though, he was the only person there. Carefully, he lifted the envelope and thumbed over the wax seal. The mark of an eye was stamped in its center, circled by 6 letters.

"The hell is a LIMINA?" he whispered quietly to himself.

He opened the letter, taking care not to damage the wax in doing so, and began to read:


Your latest delivery was just that: the latest it's ever been. Keep me waiting once more, and the last thing you'll deliver to me will be your bloody heart on a dinner platter. I don't care who you are or the power you seem to control as a Tarhand, but you will not disappoint me again.


Noa's eyes were wide with surprise. Not from the gravity of the situation this person seemed to be in, but simply by the change of pace this letter had brought to his day.

He called back to the kitchen. Shayen had only been gone a few minutes to clean the pots, but half of the time that really meant that she was leaving to tend to some other errands.

"Hey Shayen? You there? You know anyone named Thigith?

The silence that followed indicated that she had, indeed, left him there to sit alone in her bar.

Noa finished his drink while still holding and re-reading the letter. He put a copper on the bar absent-mindedly and left: the earliest he had ever done so on a morning such as this.

Surely this meant something to someone, and his curiosity had certainly gotten the best of him. Whoever this Thigith was, Noa wanted to find him before X did.



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