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Wondrous item, uncommon

This charming wood and brass box has a pair of domed glass lenses on its front. A small button sits on top of the box. While you're looking through another creature's senses or through a magical sensor, such as by the find familiar or scrying spell or a similar magical effect, you can use a bonus action to press the button on top of the box. While the button remains pressed, the box's lenses light up to project a silent duplicate of what you see through the other creature's senses or magical sensor. The projection can only be seen when it's pointed toward a wall or other solid surface within 10 feet of the box. The projection's size depends on the distance of the solid surface, spanning up to 5 feet across and 3 feet tall when shown at 10 feet away, or as small as 1 foot across and 7 inches tall when shown at 1 foot away. When you return to your normal senses or are no longer holding the button, the projection ends.

The group’s eyes were glued to the brilliant display before them, watching the warlock’s familiar crawl along the walls of the jail. They knew their target was somewhere within the walls, the endless lines of bars and muted grey walls slowly scrolling by making everything look all the same.

Coming around the corner, the small spider was not prepared for the image of a patrolling cat to pounce onto the small friend, and neither was the party, all jumping and yelping at the same time as the image faded, the half-elf sighing and rubbing her eyes.

“I’ll get the herbs and chalk…”



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