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"So...you...are...Kessta?" The thoughts rang through her head, slow, menacing, and loud. Not as words, but as images and sensations that somehow conveyed an unmistakable meaning.

Her mind shook, unable to process the flood of information, experiences, and raw memories.

"Yes, I am," she replied aloud. Images came to mind of her home, her sisters, her friends. She thought of those whom she'd cut down, of those she'd lost. Her life and her choices all flashed before her in an instant.

The aberrant thoughts clamored through her psyche again—faster now, and cold as ice water.

"I think...you and I...ought to get to know one another."




You somehow have managed like 6 times in the past couple months to create something that directly fits what I need in the campaign Bless Pelor!!☀️ But seriously thank you lol