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Weapon (morningstar), rare

This dreadful spiked weapon is designed to represent the sting of the moon-covered sun. Forged from mourningsteel, the metal that makes this weapon has been steeped in the blood and misery of fallen warriors of brutal conflicts. When you hit with an attack using this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 1d6 necrotic damage.

While holding this morningstar, you can use an action to speak its command word to cast the darkness spell from it with the following changes:

  • The darkness extends from you in a 10-foot-radius sphere and moves with you
  • While holding the morningstar, you can see through this magical darkness as if it were dim light.
  • When you hit a creature within the darkness using the morningstar, its bonus necrotic damage increases to 1d8.

The spell ends early if you drop or stow the morningstar. Once used, this property of the weapon can't be used again until the next dusk.

They were promised a glorious death; an honorable war with their names carved in legend, steel on steel, and strength matched to strength. And on those words they slept, awaiting their wondrous dawn.

But blood brokers no glory. Even as the sun was dragged back into the sky, it rose red and shadowed. Hope and bone alike were crushed beneath a darkness deeper than death itself.

They never saw a true morning, as the shade gave way to a light that revealed only shattered corpses. But when night falls again, the land will dream of their pain and sacrifices.



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