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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This mask is designed in the likeness of a mimic: the bane (and untimely end) of many adventurers. The mask effortlessly sticks to your face when you put it on. While wearing this mask, mimics are indifferent toward you and will not attack you unless you threaten or harm them. Touching or otherwise interacting with a mimic harmlessly reveals its nature to you. In addition, you can use an action to cast the disguise self spell from the mask at will. The spell ends if the mask is removed.

Curse. Once you place this mask on your face, you can't remove it unless you are targeted by the remove curse spell or similar magic. While wearing the mask, you gain the following flaw: "If I see something of value that I think I can steal, it only makes sense to try."

The adventurers followed the old man—his senile ramblings of hoarded treasure enough to keep their interest. Yet as he reached the last room of his crumbling manor, he turned to them and, with a smile, dropped his guise for that of a far younger man. The once wrinkled face was now youthful, and hidden by a bizarre, toothy mask.

In the face of their confusion, the man's grin widened as he leapt through a window before it was quickly sealed by purple flesh. The walls began to burble and transform, warping and curling in on the hapless party. Where once were blocks of stone were now row after row of countless, hungering teeth.




Reminds me of the monster masks from Zelda. A fun variation of the cap of disguise.