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Hey heroes!

Each week on Discord, community members nominate other members' suggested items to be made into official Saddlebag items. The top two most voted-for item ideas each week get made, following back and forth workshopping and discussion.

You can submit your ideas on Discord, too! Come join us in the #patron-item-workshop channel!

You may recognize some returning item suggestions! Items can be renominated and re-drawn for weekly polls following a week-long cooldown.

Here are the randomly selected item ideas drawn from this week's nominations!


1)  Libran Balancing Armor  — This perfectly symmetrical cursed armor is decorated with golds and yellows, with a set of scales upon the shoulders that you can place an object onto and know the exact weight of it. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against being knocked prone and can cast spells from the armor.

2)  Covolt Vine  — This whip is fashioned from a growth of thorny vines sprouted from a covolt deposit and deals additional lightning damage on a hit. You can attempt to grapple a creature with the whip instead of making an attack, when you do it takes additional lightning damage until it escapes.

3)  Reliquary of (Un)Life  — A scepter of two praying hands, each with 2 pearl rings, that doubles as a mace. While attuned, you can cast the revivify spell without material components, turning one of the pearls black. If the spell fails for any reason, the revivify instead becomes the raise dead spell creating a zombie with its original memories and stats, but changes it creature type to undead.

4)  Silent Embrace  — A black spell scroll that glows with the oath of a forgotten assassin when in darkness. As an action you can speak the oath to cast the silence spell on yourself that remains centered on you and is considered difficult terrain for any other creature. Additionally, you can force creatures in the area to make a Wisdom saving throw or be affected by the slow spell.

5)  Crash and Burn  — A pair of heavy metal battle gloves with vents. You can expend charges from the gloves to expel flame from them to enhance your attacks in a few ways, such as dealing bonus fire damage and dashing away from your target, or dashing towards your target and dealing additional bludgeoning damage.

6)  Mourningsteel Eclipse  — A morningstar made of mourningsteel that invokes the image of an eclipse. You deal additional necrotic damage on a hit with it. As an action you can cast the darkness spell from it, which moves with you and increases the necrotic damage the weapon deals.

7)  Orange Cicatrizer’s Debt  — A pair of magic platinum and amber hath phools fitted for a queen's personal physic. Using its charges: you can redirect harm intended for a friendly creature to yourself instead, grant an ally a bonus to saving throws against conditions, or heal nearby allies while burning enemies. It also grants you a flaw.

Thanks to everyone who submitted item ideas and voted for them this week!

Keep on adventuring!



I feel like we always end up voting for weapons


Man, there's some real hitters in here. The Armorer Artificer would love Crash and Burn, but I also introduced the schematic for a lightning whip made by an ancient Dhakaani Artificer that would pair quite well with a covolt whip. Picture the MS-07 Gouf electric whip from Gundam 0079, and you're right on point.