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Weapon (net), very rare

This circular net is stylized with large white feathers around its edge. Unlike a normal net, the dream catcher can restrain a formless creature such as a ghost or water elemental. The net is immune to slashing damage, and it requires a DC 16 Strength check, instead of DC 10, to free a creature from the net.

The net has 8 charges, which are represented by the number of feathers around the net. When you throw the net, you can speak its command word to expend up to 4 of its charges. If the net hits and restrains a creature, that creature is also affected by the sleep spell. The spell targets only the creature within the net, and its spell level is equal to the number of charges expended from the net when it was thrown. If a creature falls unconscious as a result of this effect, it can't be woken up early until the net is removed.

When you expend a charge, one of the feathers disappears in a dream-like cloud of smoke. The net regains 1d8 expended charges daily at dawn.

Quyll Downy sat on the mossy rock, twisting and braiding the hempen lines and plucking stray feathers from his head to add to its edge. Like many other nights where sleep eluded Quyll, he'd turn his attention to this weave: a lesson in patience and meditation. Eventually, it was finished— but a careless step from his mossy perch sent him tumbling down. In the tangled mess of feathers and net, Quyll finally found some well-deserved rest.




The no label file is the same as the no watercolor file.