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Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This asymmetrical cloak has a ring of silver daggers along its bottom hem. While wearing the cloak, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks while in dim light or darkness.

In addition, you can use a bonus action to summon a magic silver dagger to one or both of your hands, provided that they're empty. Each dagger disappears in a puff of smoke after 1 minute or at the end of your turn if you aren't holding it.

"Please put all your weapons on the table, ma'am."

"All of them? Or just the ones you can see?"




This is VERY solid magic item and I love it. Amazing art. Everything about this is sick.


This would be a lot better if it didn't require a bonus action. In its current state the dagger summoning is extremely bad. I'd make it so you can summon a dagger no action required whenever you can make a weapon attack (i.e. as part of an Attack action, opportunity attacks, etc). Then you wouldn't have to sacrifice Cunning Action if you're a Rogue, Hunter's Mark if you're a Ranger, Rage if you're a Barbarian, or one of the myriad other fundamental class features you'd be missing out on. And for what? Daggers that deal magical damage? It's a super cool idea but its poor interaction with action economy hurts it way too much to the point where that feature is almost unusable in an average combat.