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The predominantly dwarven city of Ilridun, the City of Sparkling Cliffs, resides within a series of looming bayside cliffs. Amid these cliffs, a colossal central waterfall tumbles into a large, craggy bay. A pair of massive stone statues resembling the city’s founders, Vaad and Zued Ilridun, flank the entrance to the bay. These statues and the vast dock network are the only external signs that the city exists.
Small transport ships weave in and out of the docks and the hundreds of other vessels that crowd the bay. The roar of the waterfall deafens everything in the harbor, requiring the porters and traders to use a complex system of flag signals for communication.
The twelve major ships and their crews dock behind the waterfall’s interior bay. When the ships and their coterie are ready to moor, a large metal wedge rises and divides the waterfall, granting them safe (and spectacular) passage.
The waterfall hides a large cavern that once served as the dwarven campsite from which the city grew. Initially, the cavern served as a reliable source of quality granite and shelter, and the spring trickling throughout the stone offered plenty of clean water for its miners. The proximity to the waterways allowed the granite to race between essential projects and into the hands of buyers. Over time, this small operation expanded from a mining colony into a bustling port-of-call.
After the city filled the available space in the cavern and its docks expanded across the bay, the miners pushed further inward. Labyrinthine tunnels divided by mighty stone pillars now web their way under the rocky cliffs. Grated skylights built directly into the cliffs draw in plenty of natural light and allow air to circulate freely.
The city relies almost exclusively on its waterways to move people and goods. At sea level, canals and channels connect the city’s structures. Higher up, the city’s aqueducts, fed by the same natural water source enjoyed by the city’s historic miners, serve as paths for gondolas. Stone walkways, angular staircases, and gnomish lifts allow citizens and cargo to move between the multiple layers.
Eventually, the tight, clean passages of the city give way to mine shafts of both natural and tool-hewn construction. Despite these tunnels’ comparative ruggedness, signs of dwarven ingenuity abound—waterwheels, conveyor belts, and pulleys assist the modern miners in the city’s continued expansion. Here, the city’s miners toil in the earth, drawing forth the seemingly endless bounty of granite and gems still hidden within. Rare cave-ins sometimes result in floods. Fortunately, emergency water locks limit losses to only a handful of workers.

The subclass for this setting is the new monk subclass: the Way of the Meridian! This monk uses its medicinal knowledge of the body's natural energy channels to enhance their allies and debilitate their foes, gaining special bonuses with daggers, blowguns, and darts when doing so! Help your friends heal faster and keep your enemies from causing any more harm as this martial acupuncturist!

Speaking of the subclass, here's a reminder that we also have official subclass playtest sessions on the Discord for Esteemed and Legendary Heroes! So please feel welcome to sign up for them and get early looks and hands-on time with them! As always, further revisions will be made here with published updates as they're released!

What's Included:

  • 18 pages of rich city details, including the surrounding regions' opportunities!
  • Venture through the city and mines below using gondolas on winding waterways!
  • Dive deeper into the conflicts surrounding the city and take action!
  • Interact with city officials or major crew members of sailing vessels!
  • Bonus maps donated by Cze & Peku!
  • 5 new dwarven and cave creature statblocks!
  • New monk subclass: the Way of the Meridian! Use your medicinal knowledge of key acupuncture points to enhance your friends and hinder your foes with your unarmed strikes or daggers, blowguns, and darts!


I was responsible for direction, design, and additional editing for this setting. However, this couldn't be possible without extra help. If you like this setting, consider supporting these other incredible creators:

DMDave — Writing, editing

TheArenaGuy — Monster design

Cze & Peku — Maps

Aaron Riley — Subclass illustration

Damien Mammoliti — Monster Art

Benjamin Sommeregger — Cover art

Jelke Ludolphij — Additional layout

This release is also made especially possible by the extra generosity of $13+ Legendary Heroes! Thank you all so much for you support, and be proud of your place in the end credits! You've earned it!




The Acupuncture bonus to the HP maximum threshold is 1d10 + 1xtimes 25gp above the first fee, did I follow that correctly?