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Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)

A radiant quiver produces special ammunition for your ranged weapon attacks. The ammunition is made of pure light, and appears in your hand when you reach into it without picking a different piece of ammunition. If the quiver is kept in direct sunlight for at least 1 hour, it magically produces up to 20 pieces of the special ammunition at the end of the hour.

The quiver can hold up to 20 pieces of this ammunition at a time, which remain until used and don't count toward the total amount you can normally store in a quiver. A piece of this ammunition is lost if another creature attempts to use it or if it's removed from the quiver and not fired before the start of your next turn. On a hit, the ammunition deals radiant damage, instead of its normal damage type, and it deals extra damage based on the quiver's rarity, as shown in the table below. The ammunition is then lost. This bonus damage is doubled if the target is a fiend or undead.

Once fired, the ammunition sheds bright light in a 10-foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 feet while flying through the air. Very rare versions of the quiver produce ammunition made of sunlight. A creature hit by ammunition made of sunlight in this way is considered to be in sunlight until the end of your next turn.

Light Cannon. While holding the quiver, you can use an action to point it at a target and speak its command word. When you do, it releases all the remaining special ammunition in a single blast, expending them. The blast creates a line of light that is 5 feet wide, and each creature in the line must make a Constitution saving throw. The length of the line and the DC for the saving throw are based on the quiver's rarity, as shown in the table below. On a failed save, a creature takes radiant damage equal to the ammunition's bonus damage for each of the remaining pieces left in the quiver, which is doubled if the creature is a fiend or undead, up to a maximum of 50 radiant damage. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much radiant damage. If the quiver is a very rare version, a creature that fails the saving throw is also considered to be in sunlight until the end of your next turn. Once this property of the quiver has been used, it can't be used again until the next dawn.

And from the sun, he plucked a single ray to nock his bow. With a brilliant fury, the heavens pierced the evil that walked the earth. And from its radiance, darkness withered, and new life sprung forth.

—Excerpt from "The Path" by Father T'ran of Val Linsin



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